This Flask application, named "Tamil Nadu Reddit Monitor," enables users to explore Reddit posts from the Tamil Nadu subreddit in real-time. Leveraging the PRAW API for Reddit, sentiment analysis using the Hugging Face Transformers pipeline, and interactive visualization with Plotly, users can filter posts by sentiment, search for specific keywords, and view detailed post information. Additionally, the application provides insights such as the most active posters , the sentiment distribution of posts and see the Network Analysis of comment user interaction .
The application features a user-friendly interface that allows users to: • View and interact with a paginated list of Reddit posts from the TamilNadu subreddit. • Search for posts containing specific keywords. • Filter posts based on sentiment (positive, negative, neutral, or all). • View detailed information about each post, including the post title, URL, and sentiment. • Identify the most active poster and the most active post in the subreddit. • Display a bar chart showing the distribution of post sentiments. • View the top 5 posters based on the number of posts they have made. • Network Analysis: Performs network analysis on comments within selected submissions to visualize interactions between users.