Emacs configuration files, everything starts from init.el.
git clone git@github.com:Sarcasm/.emacs.d.git ~/.config/emacs
emacs --eval "(package-install-selected-packages)"
You can optionally create an identity file where mail address, user full name, etc, are recommended to be set.
An example of the content of this file can be:
$ cat identity.el
(setq user-mail-address "firstname.lastname@mailprovider.foo"
user-full-name "Firstname Lastname")
Care should be taken to not require
Prefer add-hook, keybindings, ...
Some commands of things I'd like to be fast:
$ perf stat emacs -l ~/.config/emacs/init.el -batch --eval '(message "Hello, world!")'
$ for i in {1..10}; { perf stat emacs -l ~/.emacs.d/init.el -batch --eval '(message "Hello, world!")' |& grep "seconds time elapsed" ; } | sort -n
$ EDITOR='emacs -nw' git commit
$ for file in init.el init.d/*.el lisp/*.el; emacs -batch -L lisp -f batch-byte-compile $file
$ perf stat emacs -l ~/.emacs.d/init.elc -batch --eval '(message "Hello, world!")'
$ find . -name "*.elc"
Also check time reported by M-x emacs-init-time RET
to account for UI elements.
If quickstarts aren't up-to-date, call:
M-x package-quickstart-refresh RET