This script will check live cc and Grab proxy and check proxy if its working or not
>>> _ _ _ _
>>> | | (_) | | | |
>>> | | ___ _____ ___ ___ ___| |__ ___ ___| | _____ _ __
>>> | | | \ \ / / _ \ / __/ __| / __| '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / _ \ '__|
>>> | |____| |\ V / __/ | (_| (__ | (__| | | | __/ (__| < __/ |
>>> |______|_| \_/ \___| \___\___| \___|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_|
>>> Coded by script1337
>>> Github :
>>> Examples{
>>> ./chxd checkproxy /path/to/proxylist 100 >>> {Check if proxy is working or not}
>>> ./chxd grabproxy 100 1000 >>> {Grab https proxys}
>>> ./chxd creditC proxy.txt cc.txt >>> {To check credit card is valid or not}
>>> ./chxd creditC proxy.txt cc.txt config.txt >>> {check credit cards using coustm api with common success response}
>>> ./chxd creditC proxy.txt cc.txt config.txt success.txt >>> {check credit cards using coustm api}
how to use your own api with live cc checker
# grab the request with burp suite which contain your credit card number and replace them with FUZZ_CC
# replace month with FUZZ_MN
# replace year with FUZZ_YR
# replace cvv with FUZZ_CVV
# DNT: 1 add this in the end of your header
# and your can run this command
# ./chxd creditC proxy.txt cc.txt config.txt
# you also can specify the success response using this command {if any string from success.txt found in response thats be mean card is valid }
# ./chxd creditC proxy.txt cc.txt config.txt success.txt
it's only for Education Purposes I am not going to be responsible for anything
if your using linux can run chxd if your using windows run winchxd.exe in cmd ( Dont just double click it run it using cmd )
how to use video :
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