The Production Map App helps bridge the virtual-physical barrier between software entities and the real world that they control or interact with. It allows the user to locate Apps on the shop floor more easily and thus explore it in a more pleasant and transparent way.
Software is mostly invisible for the shop floor. Different systems are hidden behind a benigng HMI and they never come to the light of day. In the ScaleIT approach, each App has it's own HMI and thus brings transparency to the software landscape. In order to intuitively locate Apps on a physica level we (the KIT) developed this shop floor map visualization (Production Map App) as part of the free and open source reference implementation of the ScaleIT platform. By using this App, a simple mapping of the physical world (sensors, machines, etc.) to their digital representation (Apps) is possible. The digital twin (as an App) can thus be displayed next to the real machine and the user can interact with it via its web HMI.
Software ist meist unsichtbar für den betrieblichen Hallenboden. Hinter einer HMI verbergen sich oft unterschiedliche Systeme, die nie zum Vorschein kommen. Im ScaleIT Ansatz besitzt jede App eine HMI und bringt dadurch Transparenz in die Software-Landschaft. Um auch die physikalische Verortung intuitiv zu ermöglichen entwickelt das KIT eine Kartenvisualisierung (Production-Map-App) als Teil der freien und offenen Referenzimplementierung der ScaleIT Plattform. Mit dieser Karten App wird ein einfaches Mapping der physichen Welt (Sensoren, Maschinen, usw.) zur digitalen Repräsentation (Apps) ermöglicht. Der digitale Zwilling (als App) kann so neben der echten Maschine dargestellt und damit über dessen Web-HMI interagiert werden.
# Resolve dependencies
npm install
# Build frontend
npm run build
# Run dev server
npm run ionic:serve
In order to simplify development we recommend working locally (or with a docker bind mount) and using the ionic hot reload feature of the ionic dev server
npm run ionic:serve
In order to pull from this repo as upstream you should use githubs rebasing feature:
git checkout alpine
git pull --rebase origin master
git checkout dev
git pull --rebase origin alpine
Alternatively use cherry picking (or patching):
git cherry-pick d147423..2622049
git cherry-pick d147423
This app uses a multi stage build in order to create a very small production ready image. This results in an image size of about 70MB compared to the 300+MB size of the build image.
docker-compose up -d
# navigate to localhost:8100
Mobile | Desktop |
![]() |
![]() |
Administration view with configurable endpoints |
Not implemented yet |
- Ionic frontend with Angular
- Nginx Server for serving the built project (docker build only)
- Pages and Navigation
- Data Provider
- Choose an image from a file system and upload it as a map
- Drag and drop items
- Download apps from registry, providing a correspoding registry-Url
- Select certain apps to be shown on the map (it is also possible to add multiple instances of one app)
- Selected apps as well as their positions are saved in the local storage, hence, after browser reload all aforementioned stuff will be restored from its previous state
- Delete any app from the map
- Disable and enable scrolling of the page
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
#Build with healtcheck enabled
HEALTHCHECK --interval=5m --timeout=3s \
CMD curl -f http://localhost:5002/ || exit 1
This is still a work in progress
Reactive Manifesto:
Reactive Programming:
Ionic Presentation:
Grundriss - Grafik: ETA Fabrik, Dietz Joppien Architekten AG, Modellfabrik TU Darmstadt:
Sources: Map App Store Icon: Icon made from Icon Fonts is licensed by CC BY 3.0
(C) ScaleIT, KIT. MIT license.