Releases: SchneiderInfosystems/FB4D
Releases · SchneiderInfosystems/FB4D
- GeminiAI service added, A new tab in the DemoFB4D App demonstrates the functionality
Refactoring and many improvements in DemoFB4D - Adding TOTDMapperOptions to control the behavior of the Object-To-Doc mapper. The simple FMX demo application FSObj2Doc demonstrates the Object-To-Document Mapper and has been added to the FB4D Samples project group. Add IFirestoreWriteTransaction.TransformDoc for SetServerTime, Increment, Maximum, Minimum
- The Object to Document Mapper lets you quickly sync your Pascal objects to the Firestore database by deriving your own class from TFirestoreDocument and adding member variables. All member variables are automatically written to the document and read from the document.
- The sample application FSObj2Doc demonstrates the functionality of the objet to document mapper by writting and reading objects in the Firestore.
- New VCL sample application AuthSelfReg_VLC demonstrates the login with all workflow options (self registration etc.)
- Ready for Delphi 12 Athens
- Support of Write Transactions (in addition to read only transactions)
- Ready for Delphi 11.3
- New sample application Photobox demonstates Firestore, Storage and VisionML
The version 1.4.0 includes services for Vision ML. The documentation …
Released in Getit as Version 1.3
3rd Release at GetIt
1.2 Changes after code review of proposed solution in issue #84
1st Release of FB4D
FB4D is now installable by Delphi GetIt!
7th Prerelease of FB4D
- Firestore.transaction: Support of readOnly transactions
- Extended self-registration workflow with anew flag "RequireVerificated EMail" and introduce flag "AllowSelfRegistration" to allow disabling of self-registration
- Add RTDB_PerUserReadWrite sample in VCL edition too
- Migrate to Delphi 10.3.3
6th Prerelease of FB4D
Migrated to Delphi 10.3.2
- Auth.LinkWithEMailAndPassword added for convert Anonymous User to EMail/Pwd User
- AutoLogin by LastRefreshToken
- New Frame for Self Registration Workflow added here GUIPatterns\FMX\FB4D.SelfRegistrationFra.pas
5th Prerelease of FB4D
Additional important issues are solved.
In order to simplify the start with FBD4 a new class factory IFirebaseConfiguration was introduced.