This software is superseded by
Stream event data from a NeXus file from RAL/ISIS using Apache Kafka for the purpose of development of live data streaming in Mantid. Each message sent over Kafka comprises the event data from a single neutron pulse.
The client runs until the user terminates it, repeatedly sending data from the same file but with incrementing run numbers. However the -z
flag can be used to produce only a single run.
main_nexusPublisher -f <filepath> Full file path of nexus file to stream
-d <det_spec_map_filepath> Full file path of file defining the det-spec mapping
-b <host> Broker IP address or hostname
[-i <instrument_name>] Used as prefix for topic names
[-s] Slow mode, publishes data at approx realistic rate of 10 frames per second
[-q] Quiet mode, makes publisher less chatty on stdout
[-z] Produce only a single run (otherwise repeats until interrupted)
Usage example:
main_nexusPublisher -f /path/to/isis_nexus_streamer_for_mantid.git/data/SANS_test_uncompressed.hdf5 -d /path/to/isis_nexus_streamer_for_mantid.git/data/spectrum_gastubes_01.dat -b localhost -i SANS2D -z
Timestamped "run" start and stop messages are produced. With these Mantid can join the stream at the start of a run and has various options for behaviour at run stop. This makes use of the offset by timestamp lookup feature and thus requires Kafka version > on the brokers.
It is also important to allow larger than the default message size by adding the following to the kafka configuration file (
We use this Ansible playbook to deploy Kafka:
The docker-compose script can be used to launch a single-broker Kafka cluster and the NeXus streamer. Run the following in the root directory of the repository to launch the containers.
docker-compose up
The streamer publishes some test data using the instrument name TEST. The Kafka broker is accessible at localhost:9092
Dependencies can be installed using Conan. Conan can be installed using pip. The following remote repositories are required to be configured:
You can add them by running
conan remote add <local-name> <remote-url>
where <local-name>
must be substituted by a locally unique name. Configured
remotes can be listed with conan remote list
Google Test
and Google Mock
are used for unit testing but are not required to be installed; CMake will download and build them at configure-time.
The first line can be omitted if you have librdkafka v0.11.1
and libhdf5 v1.10
available on your system.
conan install <path-to-source>/conan --build -s compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11
cmake <path-to-source>
The unit test executable unitTests
needs to be passed the path of the test data directory as an argument.
Alternatively, run all units tests using ctest with
ctest -VV
from the build directory.
The schema files are located in