This is a list of basic git commands you will be needing for MDG SoC '23
Some pre-requisites:
- Setting your username
git config --global "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME"
- Setting your email
git config --global ""
- Initialize an empty git repository
git init
- Cloning a repository
git clone
- Create a new branch
git branch new_branch
- Switching to a branch
git checkout your_branch
Or... you could use
git checkout -b new_branch
to create new_branch and switch to it.
- Deleting a branch
git branch --delete not_wanted_branch
- View which branches exist
git branch
- Check the "status" of files
git status
- Add files to the staging area
git add folder/file.txt
Or you can use
git add .
to add all the files in your working directory to the staging area
- Commit your changes into the repo
git commit -m "your commit message here"
If you have a really big commit message you think will need more than 1 line, just use
git commit
and you will be directed to your editor, where you can write your "big" commit message.Had to give this extra side note... a lot of you during the setup of git would have chosen vi/vim as your default editor(that's the default settings), and might find it a little hard to work with. The memes are real
Fret not if you don't see what you're typing on the screen... you're just in the esc mode. Type
and you should be in insert mode now - you can start typing now. Once you're done, go back to esc mode by pressing the esc key. To save your changes to the file and exit,:wq
, if you don't want to save your changes,:q!
. Learn vim pliz.
The convention we follow:
feat: (addition of a new feature)
rfac: (refactoring the code: optimization/ different logic of existing code - output doesn't change, just the way of execution changes)
docs: (documenting the code, be it readme, or extra comments)
bfix: (bug fixing)
chor: (chore - beautifying code, indents, spaces, camelcasing, changing variable names to have an appropriate meaning)
ptch: (patches - small changes in code, mainly UI, for example color of a button, incrasing size of tet, etc etc)
conf: (configurational settings - changing directory structure, updating gitignore, add libraries, changing manifest etc)
git log
Alternatively, to visualize it better, use
git log --oneline --graph --all
- Pushing your local changes to the remote
git push origin branch_name
- Pulling the changes from the remote
It is a good practice to fetch your changes first, with
git fetch --prune --all
- this will fetch all the branches and clear any outdated branches on the remote.
git pull origin branch_name
Sometimes, you might be working on a file, and your friend has pushed a newer version of the file on the same branch as yours on the remote repo. You want to pull his changes and continue working on the given file.
You will encounter an error if you try to pull. So stash your changes, pull and then pop.
git stash
git pull origin branch_name
git pop
With this the files that both of you have made changes on should contain both versions of the code, enclosed in >>>>>>>
and =======
... you can choose which changes to keep or keep a combination of them too.
After you've made a number of commits on your branch, you can raise a PR to merge it with the parent branch
Here are some other useful links you might need:
- Git-Github for Poets
- Official Git docs - if reading is more your thing
Welcome to MDG SoC'23...we'll be waiting for your first PR ❤️