This repository contains a pipeline to cluster gaze data provided by OpenFace
The file contains several different clustering mechanisms, you can experiment with them or create your own. For the underlying project we used KMEANS clustering, other clustering algorithms might be more appropriate depending on your use scenario. This set of files is meant to aid testing and veryfying different approaches to gaze-clustering with Open-Face data.
Before using the pipeline you will need:
OpenCV For returning the video
Additionally you will need the Videos + CSV files returned by OpenFace to run the pipeline
In set the data-location and the model name correctly. Set the number of clusters and the pre-training preparation (projections) performed on the data before clustering as well as the desired frame-rate of the output video (the video that is saved, the displayed video will compute as fast as the leftover parts)
In you can change the specific clustering algorithm used.
Build the model using python3
Set the evaluation mode in
Evaluate the model python3
Select a region you want to view by drawing a rectangle in the plot that shows up
The video containing the selected frames should play and be saved to the videos folder.
In the file set the DISPLAY_OPENFACE to show the video files containing the openface visualisation,
or the original video.
Depending on the quality of your video files and the openFace analys (or other software you used for gaze extraction), the viability of classifying gaze using clusters will differ.
In our case what worked best was defining rectangular regions, and if a gaze was projected into a certain rectangular region we would classify it accordingly (for instance looking left, looking right etc)
Since each set of videos will be different you will need to customize the range.
The rectangular video selection tool should help doing just that. In set PREDEF_MODE=true
and put in the corner coordinates of your rectangular region in the PREDEF_RANGE