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chore(release): 1.0.0-alpha.1 [skip ci]
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# 1.0.0-alpha.1 (2023-09-19)

### Bug Fixes

* a missed argument in a debug message ([#3009]( ([af8c6e4](
* **adapter.requirejs:** do not configure baseUrl automatically ([63f3f40](, closes [#291]( [#292]( [#291](
* **adapter.requirejs:** show error if no timestamp defined for a file ([59dbdbd](
* Add crossorigin attribute to script HTML tags ([5690ffe](
* add emscripten memory image as binary suffix ([f6b2b56](
* add missing dep flatted ([#3223]( ([655d4d2](
* avoid ES6+ syntax in client scripts ([#3629]( ([6629e96](, closes [#3630](
* **BaseReporter:** log message correctly with just one browser ([#3045]( ([c1eb236](
* better error reporting when loading plugins ([d9078a8](
* better serialization in dump/console.log ([fd46365](, closes [#640](
* **browser:** allow updating total specs count ([#3264]( ([d5df723](
* **browser:** don't add already active socket again on reconnect ([37a7958](
* **browser:** emit 'browsers_change' in collection ([#3183]( ([7634e71](
* **browser:** ensure browser state is EXECUTING when tests start ([#3074]( ([dc7265b](, closes [#1640](
* **browser:** filter browser logging by level  ([35965d9](, closes [#2228](
* **browser:** make sure that empty results array is still recognized ([#3486]( ([fa95fa3](
* **browser:** nicer "disconnect" - no more "Disconnectedundefined" ([a987d63](
* **browser:** reply "start" event ([4fde43d](
* **browser:** report errors to console during singleRun=false ([#3209]( ([30ff73b](, closes [#3131](
* browsers_change event always has collection as arg ([42bf787](
* **build:** pin npm version in appveyor to v3, compat with node 4 ([#2983]( ([bc1453e](
* **build:** switch from yarn to package-lock.json ([#3351]( ([6c5add2](
* bump production dependencies within SemVer ranges ([#3682]( ([36467a8](, closes [#3680](
* bump vulnerable ua-parser-js version ([6f2b2ec](, closes [#3713](
* call .resume to prevent browser output streams filling up ([107cd02](
* capturing console.log on IE ([fa4b686](, closes [#329](
* catch exceptions from SourceMapConsumer ([5d42e64](
* Change timing on test ([0cb6204](
* **changelog:** remove release which does not exist ([#3214]( ([4e87902](
* **ci:** abandon browserstack tests for Safari and IE ([#3615]( ([04a811d](
* **ci:** echo travis env that gates release after_success ([#3446]( ([b8b2ed8](
* **ci:** poll every 10s to avoid rate limit. ([#3388]( ([91e7e00](
* **ci:** Repaired AppVeyor for Node.js@0.12 ([cbfd98c](
* **ci:** stop the proxy before killing the child, handle errors ([#3472]( ([abe9af6](, closes [#3464](
* **cli:** Always pass an instance of fs to processArgs. ([06532b7](, closes [#677](
* **client.html:** always open debug.html in a new browser process ([d176bcf](
* **client:** add ES5 shim ([14c30b7](, closes [#1529](
* **client:** add proxy support to stringify ([be10116](
* **client:** avoid race between execute and clearContext ([#3452]( ([8bc5b46](, closes [#3424](
* **client:** check in bundled client code into version control ([#3524]( ([6cd5a3b](, closes [/](
* **client:** clearContext after complete sent ([#3657]( ([c0962e3](
* **client:** do not reset karmaNavigating in unload handler ([#3591]( ([4a8178f](, closes [#3482](
* **client:** does not throws an error for non DOM object that has `tagName` property ([ba55afb](, closes [#2139](
* **client:** don't crash if receive array-like results ([e095411](, closes [#2061](
* **client:** dynamic protocol for ([c986eef](, closes [#1400](
* **client:** Enable loading different file types when running in parent mode without iframe ([#3289]( ([7968db6](
* **client:** error out when opening a new tab fails ([099b85e](
* **client:** fix a false positive page reload error in Safari ([#3643]( ([2a57b23](
* **client:** fix issue with loaded on safari 10 ([#3252]( ([571191c](, closes [#3198](
* **client:** Fix stringify serializing objects ([0d0972a](
* **client:** flush resultsBuffer on engine upgrade ([#3212]( ([e44ca94](, closes [#3211](
* **client:** Only create the funky object if message is not a string ([#3298]( ([ce6825f](, closes [#3296](
* **client:** prevent from hanging due to mocked clocks ([#3695]( ([105da90](
* **client:** redirect to redirect_url after all messages are sent ([4d05602](
* **client:** Revert back to old reloading detection ([f1c22d6](, closes [#1656](
* **client:** serialise DOM objects ([1f73be4](, closes [#1106](
* **client:** show error if an adapter is removed ([a8b250c](
* **client:** Update location detection for ([7a23fa5](
* **client:** Use supported shim path. ([184f12e](
* **client:** Wait for childwindow to load ([c1bb15a](
* **client:** Wait for iframe to be loaded ([1631474](, closes [#1652](
* **cli:** override if an arg is defined multiple times ([31eb2c2](, closes [#1192](
* **cli:** print UserAgent string verbatim if from an unknown browser ([9d97226](
* **cli:** restore command line help contents ([#3502]( ([e99da31](, closes [#3474](
* **cli:** restore shell completion in the npm package ([f56b5a5](, closes [#2351](
* **cli:** temporarily disable strict parameters validation ([#3641]( ([9c755e0](, closes [#3625](
* **cli:** Use `bin` field in package.json ([6823926](, closes [#1351](
* **commitlint:** skip task on master ([#3650]( ([3fc6fda](
* **common:** fix AppVeyor build ([6c5e7d0](
* **common:** more detailed info about error ([424aacc](
* **common:** Proxy function toString does not contain Proxy. ([4fb3484](
* **common:** stringify error on 'Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string' ([#2990]( ([65b658a](, closes [#2856](
* **completion:** add missin --log-level for karma init ([1e79eb5](
* **config:** [#1113]( Watching is not working properly on linux ([c91ffbc](
* **config:** add crossOriginAttribute config option ([1e465b1](
* **config:** add test:unit npm script ([#3242]( ([02f071d](
* **config:** allow CoffeeScript 1.7 to be used ([a1583de](
* **config:** allow parsing the config multiple times ([78a7094](
* **config:** apply CLI logger options as soon as we can ([16179b0](
* **config:** better errors if file invalid or does not exist ([74b533b](
* **config:** Call debug log methods after setting the loglevel based upon config/cli-options. ([99fd3f0](
* **config:** Call debug log methods after setting the loglevel based upon config/cli-options. ([a340dae](
* **config:** check extension before ts-node register ([#3651]( ([474f4e1](, closes [#3329](
* **config:** Check if configFilePath is a string. ([98724b6](, closes [#447](
* **config:** corrects spelling in example config template ([9fafc60](
* **config:** Default remaining client options if any are set ([632dd5e](, closes [#961](
* **config:** do not change urlRoot even if proxied ([8c138b5](
* **config:** ensure basePath is always resolved ([2e5c5aa](
* **config:** Error when browers option isn't array ([b695460](
* **config:** fail if client.args is set to a non array ([fe4eaec](
* **config:** fix the warning when using old syntax ([5e55d79](
* **config:** frameworks spelling ([9259740](
* **config:** ignore empty string patterns ([66c86a6](
* **config:** Log the final config just before use. ([#3041]( ([05dd09a](
* **config:** make the config changes backwards compatible ([593ad85](
* **config:** move puppeteer from dependency to dev-dependency ([#3193]( ([f0d52ad](, closes [#3191](
* **config:** not append empty module if no custom launcher/rep/prep ([ee15a4e](
* **config:** remove phantomjs in favor of chrome headless ([#3175]( ([0f8b2b1](
* **config:** Retry install with appveyor-retry.   ([17d5791](
* **config:** Separate ENOENT error handler from others ([e49dabe](
* **config:** Simpilfy error proceesing. ([#3345]( ([582a406](, closes [#3339](
* **config:** use polling by default ([53978c4](
* **config:** wait 20s for browser activity. ([#3087]( ([88b977f](
* **config:** Wait 30s for browser activity per Travis. ([#3091]( ([f6d2f0e](
* **config:** Workaround npm 5.4 windows bug ([ec47d81](
* **context:** do not error when karma is navigating ([#3565]( ([05dc288](, closes [#3560](
* **context:** Updated postMessage listener to stop validating non-Karma messages ([306e565](
* **coverage:** always send a result object ([62c3c67](, closes [#365](
* **cve:** update ua-parser-js to 0.7.23 to fix CVE-2020-7793 ([#3584]( ([f819fa8](
* **cve:** update yargs to 16.1.1 to fix cve-2020-7774 in y18n ([#3578]( ([3fed0bc](, closes [#3577](
* **debug-runner:** support asynchronous tests in the debug runner ([a36f3eb](, closes [#2811](
* **debug.html:** Added whitespace after 'SKIPPED' ([218ee85](
* **dep:** Bump useragent to fix HeadlessChrome version ([#3201]( ([240209f](, closes [#2762](
* **dependencies:** update and unlock dependency ([#3513]( ([b60391f](
* **dependencies:** update dependencies ([#3543]( ([5db46b7](
* **dependencies:** update production dependencies ([#3512]( ([0cd696f](
* **dependencies:** update to latest log4js major ([#3514]( ([47f1cb2](
* **dependencies:** update to safe version of http-proxy ([#3519]( ([00347bb](, closes [#3510](
* **deps:** back to karma-browserstack-launcher 1.4 ([#3361]( ([1cd87ad](
* **deps:** bump log4js to resolve security issue ([5bf2df3](, closes [#3751](
* **deps:** bump socket-io to v3 ([#3586]( ([1b9e1de](, closes [#3569](
* **deps:** freeze version ([73e300d](
* **deps:** freeze useragent version ([a8c8530](
* **deps:** lodash update. ([#3341]( ([5614c04](
* **deps:** pin colors package to 1.4.0 due to security vulnerability ([a5219c5](
* **deps:** remove babel-core and babel call in wallaby. ([#3044]( ([7da8ca0](
* **deps:** update colors to maintained version ([#3763]( ([fca1884](
* **deps:** Update dependencies ([b9a4ce9](, closes [#1410](
* **deps:** Update log4js in package.json ([#2996]( ([667b47e](
* **deps:** update to version 2.0.3. ([3b7b019](, closes [#2821]( [#2777](
* **deps:** Upgrade connect 3. ([b490985](, closes [#1410](
* **deps:** upgrade sinon-chai 2.x -> 3.x ([#3207]( ([dc5f5de](
* **deps:** upgrade to v4.4.1 ([52a30bb](
* detect a full page reload, show error and recover ([15d80f4](, closes [#27](
* detect type for URLs with query parameter or fragment identifier ([#3509]( ([f399063](, closes [#3497](
* do not execute already executing browsers ([00136cf](
* **doc:** Document release steps for admins ([#3063]( ([a701732](
* **docs:** fix stopper.stop wrong variable name. closes [#2244]( ([0745a00](
* **docs:** Remove mention of pre 1.0.0 version ([#3010]( ([6847ca0](
* **docs:** Update ([#3539]( ([e7cf7b1](
* don't crash/terminate upon errors within chokidar ([2c38931](, closes [#959](
* don't mark a browser captured if already being killed/timeouted ([2123097](, closes [#88](
* ensure that Karma supports running tests on IE 11 ([#3642]( ([dbd1943](
* eslint rules ([afb466d](
* **eslint:** Fix formatting for the new ESLint 1.8.0 ([dc1bbab](
* **events:** bind emitters with ([#3059]( ([b99f03f](, closes [#3057](
* **events:** resolve async events without any listener ([4e4bba8](
* **executor:** ensure run_complete is emitted last ([9c894f9](, closes [#2210](
* few typos ([c6a4271](
* **file_list:** follow symlinks ([ee26748](
* **file_list:** Incorrect response after remove and add file ([0dbc020](
* **file-list:** always use file from first matcher ([74bfdf3](
* **file-list:** do not define fs.statAsync ([#3467]( ([55a59e7](
* **file-list:** do not preprocess up-to-date files ([#3196]( ([5334d1a](, closes [#2829](
* **file-list:** Ensure autowatchDelay is working. ([655599a](, closes [#1520](
* **file-list:** Ensure files are sorted and unique ([9dc5f8b](, closes [#1498]( [#1499](
* **file-list:** ensure patterns are comparable ([4d1bf3e](, closes [#2194](
* **file-list:** Normalize glob patterns ([fb841a7](, closes [#1494](
* **file-list:** refresh resolves before 'file_list_modified' event ([65f1eca](, closes [#1550](
* **file-list:** revert "do not preprocess up-to-date files" ([#3226]( ([#3230]( ([bb022a7](
* **file-list:** Stop polluting global environment with core-js ([0988022](
* **file-list:** Use correct find function ([4cfaae9](
* **file-list:** use lodash find() ([3bd15a7](, closes [#1533](
* **file-list:** Use modified throttle instead of debounce ([cb2aafb](, closes [#1545](
* **filelist:** correct logger name. ([#3262]( ([375bb5e](
* **files:** Ignore included:false pattern ([db42a7f](, closes [#1530](
* filter browser logging by level of LOG ([89a7a1c](, closes [#2228](
* fix running tests in IE9 ([#3668]( ([0055bc5](, closes [/]( [#3665](
* **flaky-test:** Add time to beforeEach() to allow plugins to load on first pass. ([#3025]( ([31d9a08](
* global error handler should propagate errors ([dec0c19](, closes [#368](
* **helper:** Ensure browser detection is handled in the unkown case ([9328f67](
* **helper:** make mkdirIfNotExists helper resilient to concurrent calls ([d9dade2](, closes [/](
* **helper:** Patched replaceWinPath from choking on `null` values ([caa4d21](
* if preprocessor is async function and doesn't return a content then await donePromise ([#3387]( ([f91be24](
* ignore jsVersion configuration property in Firefox 59+  ([2694d54](, closes [#2957](
* improve error msg when bin is a directory ([#3231]( ([584dddc](
* **init:** add "ChromeHeadless" to the browsers' options ([#3096]( ([56fda53](
* **init:** add missing browsers (Opera, IE) ([f39e564](
* **init:** clean the terminal if killed ([e2aa749](
* **init:** fix for failing "testacular init" on Windows ([0b5b385](
* **init:** fix logger configuration ([557922d](
* **init:** fix test-main.(js/coffee) generation ([d8521ef](, closes [#1120]( [#896](
* **init:** fix the logger configuration ([481dc3f](, closes [#340](
* **init:** Fix type in init text ([e34465b](, closes [#954](
* **init:** generate config with the new syntax ([6b27fee](
* **init:** generate correct indentation ([5fc1795](
* **init:** generate plugins and frameworks config ([17798d5](
* **init:** install plugin as dev dependency ([46b7a40](
* **init:** Make the requirejs config template normalize paths ([54dcce3](, closes [/](
* **init:** set default filename ([34d49b1](, closes [#680]( [#681](
* **init:** Support ChromeHeadless in `validateBrowser` ([#3110]( ([eeadcf2](
* **init:** to not give false warning about missing requirejs ([562607a](
* **init:** trim the inputs ([b72355c](, closes [#663](
* install semantic-release as a regular dev dependency ([#3455]( ([1eaf35e](
* invalid characters in the headers on Node 5.6.0 ([152337d](
* **karma:** Escape quotes for file names. This fixes issue [#1876]( ([9dff3f3](
* keep all sockets in the case an old socket will survive ([a5945eb](
* launcher kill method which was throwing an error if no callback was specified ([5439f1c](
* **launcher:** Allow dynamic browser launches ([2b7d703](
* **launcher:** better errors when loading launchers ([504e848](
* **launcher:** cancel kill timeout when process exits cleanly ([bd66274](, closes [#946](
* **launcher:** compatibility with Node v0.8 ([6a46be9](
* **launcher:** compatibility with old launchers ([df557ce](
* **launcher:** compatibility with old launchers ([ffb7480](
* **launcher:** Continue with exit when SIGKILL fails ([1eaccb4](
* **launcher:** Debug Child Processes exit signal ([#3259]( ([c277a6b](
* **launcher:** exclude concurrent browser on launcher restart ([96f8f14](, closes [#2280](
* **launcher:** handle ENOENT error, do not retry ([7d790b2](, closes [#452](
* **launcher:** ignore exit code when killing/timeouting ([1029bf2](, closes [#444](
* **launcher:** Log state transitions in debug ([#3294]( ([6556ab4](, closes [#3290](
* **launcher:** Only markCaptured browsers that are launched. ([#3047]( ([f8f3ebc](
* **launcher:** send sigkill on timeout when force killing ([c615c1f](
* **launchers:** Listen to the correct error event. ([45a6922](
* **lint:** exempt built files ([#3024]( ([bc9acd3](
* **logger:** configure the logger as soon as possible ([0607d67](
* **logger:** create parent folders if they are missing ([0d24bd9](, closes [#3734](
* **logging:** Summarize SKIPPED tests in debug.html. ([a01100f](, closes [#1111](
* **logging:** Upgrade to log4js 2.x API. ([#2868]( ([f6f8707](, closes [#2858](
* **logging:** Util inspect for logging the config. ([#3332]( ([70b72a9](
* make window.parent.karma available in debugged context ([3e7eaeb](
* Merge config child nodes on config.set() ([65b688a](, closes [karma-runner/grunt-karma#165]( [karma-runner/grunt-karma#166](
* **middleware/runner:** handle file list rejections ([#3400]( ([80febfb](, closes [#3396]( [#3396](
* **middleware:** Actually serve the favicon. ([f12db63](
* **middleware:** add file type to absolute urls ([bd1f799](
* **middleware:** avoid using deprecated Buffer API ([018e6be](, closes [/](
* **middleware:** catch errors when loading a module ([#3605]( ([fec972f](, closes [#3572](
* **middleware:** change to use vanilla for loop ([ac62cc0](, closes [#2671](
* **middleware:** Correct spelling of middleware logger name ([9e9e7e6](
* **middleware:** does not work with mootools ([#2591]( ([2685e13](
* **middleware:** ensure Range headers adhere more closely to RFC 2616 ([8b1b4b1](, closes [#2310](
* **middleware:** fix WARN log when passing undefined error handler to promise.then ([20b87de](, closes [#2227](
* **middleware:** Inject `config.urlRoot`. ([569ca0e](, closes [#1516](
* **middleware:** log invalid filetype ([#3292]( ([7eb48c5](, closes [#3291](
* **middleware:** Obey the Promise API. ([93ba05a](
* **middleware:** replace %X_UA_COMPATIBLE% marker anywhere in the file ([f1aeaec](, closes [#3711](
* **middleware:** simplify stripHost. ([#3115]( ([d65e911](
* **middleware:** update `Buffer` usage ([3d94b8c](
* **package.json:** sinon-chai 2.13 is not compatible with sinon 4.x ([#2977]( ([e095b05](
* **package:** bump lodash version ([#3203]( ([d38f344](, closes [#3177](
* pass integrity value ([63d86be](
* patch karma to allow loading virtual packages ([#3663]( ([5bfcf5f](
* **plugins:** refactor instantiatePlugin from preproprocessor ([#3628]( ([e02858a](
* prefer IPv4 addresses when resolving domains ([e17698f](, closes [#3730](
* **preprocessor:** better errors when loading preprocessors ([3390a00](
* **preprocessor:** calculate sha1 on content returned from a preprocessor ([6cf7955](, closes [#1204](
* **preprocessor:** consider SVG files as text files, not binary files ([ff28803](, closes [#1026](
* **preprocessor:** Directory names with dots ([4b5e094](
* **preprocessor:** do not show duplicate warnings ([47c641f](
* **preprocessor:** Improve handling of failed preprocessors ([e726d1c](, closes [#1521](
* **preprocessor:** Lookup patterns once invoked ([00a2781](, closes [#1340](
* **preprocessor:** remove ts from binary extensions ([8269852](
* **preprocessor:** renamed handeFile to readFileCallback ([92a8c81](
* **preprocessor:** resolve relative patterns to basePath ([c608a9e](, closes [#382](
* **preprocessor:** retry if fs.readFile fails ([4b60513](
* **preprocessor:** serve NaCl binaries ([1cc6a1e](
* **preprocessor:** Throw error if can't open file ([bb4edde](
* **preprocessor:** throw if retry fails ([2789bf5](
* **preprocessor:** treat *.gz files as binary ([1b56932](
* **preprocessor:** treat *.swf files as binary ([62d7d38](
* **preprocessor:** treat *.tgz, *.tbz2, *.txz & *.xz as binary ([7b64244](
* **preprocessor:** use graceful-fs to prevent EACCESS errors ([279bcab](, closes [#566](
* **preprocess:** set correct extension for the preprocessed path ([c9a64d2](, closes [#843](
* **proxy:** fix crashing proxy when browser hangs connection ([1c78a01](
* **proxy:** handle proxied websocket transport upgrade ([fcc2a98](
* **proxy:** More useful proxyError log message ([96640a7](
* **proxy:** Pass protocol in target object to enable https requests ([142db90](
* **proxy:** Port mixup and infinite loop ([05616a2](, closes [#1987](
* **proxy:** proxy to correct port ([a483636](
* remove broken link from docs - ([#3555]( ([da2f307](
* remove circular reference in Browser ([518cb11](, closes [#3075](
* remove depreciation warning from log4js ([41bed33](
* Remove inadvertently added dependency to mock-fs ([ad5f6b5](
* remove string template from client code ([91d5acd](
* remove support of jsVersion configuration property ([#3002]( ([2bb4e36](, closes [#2911](
* remove unused JSON utilities and flatted dependency ([#3550]( ([beed255](
* remove vulnerable dependency combine-lists ([#3273]( ([c43f584](, closes [#3265](
* remove vulnerable dependency expand-braces ([#3270]( ([4ec4f6f](, closes [#3268]( [#3269](
* report launcher process error when exit event is not emitted ([#3647]( ([7ab86be](
* **reporter.junit:** Add browser log output to JUnit.xml ([f108799](, closes [#302](
* **reporter:** better errors when loading reporters ([c645c06](
* **reporter:** Better handling of non string error ([82f1c12](, closes [#1969]( [#1988](
* **reporter:** Disable source maps for URLs without line number ([2080221](, closes [#1274](
* **reporter:** do not allow URL domains to span new lines ([2c13404](
* **reporter:** Enable sourcemaps for errors that without column # ([086a542](
* **reporter:** Ensure errors use the source map. ([0407a22](, closes [#1495](
* **reporter:** Fix issue causing error stack not to be parsed correctly ([ac4e1a9](, closes [#2930](
* **reporter:** format stack with 1-based column ([#3325]( ([182c04d](, closes [#3324](
* **reporter:** inject correct config option ([80bd726](
* **reporter:** keep users exact formatError result ([17c2c43](
* **reporter:** preserve base/absolute word in error ([b3798df](
* **reporter:** prevent throwing exception when null is sent to formatter ([3b49c38](
* **reporter:** print browser stats immediately after it finishes ([65202d8](
* **reporter:** remove console.log ([b4e3694](
* **reporter:** remove newline from base reporter browser dump ([dfae18b](, closes [#297](
* **reporter:** remove SHAs from stack traces ([d7c31f9](
* **reporters:**  cannot read property map of undefined  ([305df2c](, closes [#1662](
* **reporters:** Fix results not being reported ([6303566](
* **reporters:** format fix for console log ([d2d1377](, closes [#934](
* **reporter:** show file path correctly when urlRoot specified ([34dc7d3](, closes [#2897](
* **reporter:** sourcemap not working in windows ([a9516af](, closes [#1200](
* **reporters:** Revert the backwards-incompatible log priority order changes ([316b944](, closes [#2582](
* **reporters:** Throwing error without loosing stack trace ([8a515ae](
* **reporter:** strip only hostname/port ([fbbeccf](, closes [#2209](
* **reporter:** warning if stack trace contains generated code invocation ([4f23b14](
* restarted browsers not running tests ([#3233]( ([cc2eff2](
* restartOnFileChange option not restarting the test run ([92ffe60](, closes [#27]( [#3724](
* restore `customFileHandlers` provider ([#3624]( ([25d9abb](
* restore backward compatibility for karma@0.13 ([648b357](
* reuse browser instance when restarting disconnected browser ([1f1a8eb](
* revert source-map update ([#3559]( ([d9ba284](, closes [#3557](
* **runner:** do not confuse client args with the config file ([6f158ab](
* **runner:** Do not persist grep option across runs ([#3121]( ([c91cb81](
* **runner:** Fix typo in CSS class name for .idle ([fc5a7ce](
* **runner:** Karma hangs when file paths have \u in them [#924]( ([1199fc4](
* **runner:** Make exit code configurable when tests are failing ([#3116]( ([74da748](, closes [#1300](
* **runner:** Make process kill timeout configurable ([ffaa054](, closes [#2447](
* **runner:** Make process kill timeout configurable - Fix Build ([a128e5c](, closes [#2447](
* **runner:** Merge config.client.args with client.args provided by run ([91de383](, closes [#1746](
* **runner:** remove explicit error on all tests failed ([#3369]( ([f8005c6](, closes [#3367](…
  • Loading branch information
semantic-release-bot committed Sep 19, 2023
1 parent 0a94035 commit 6e79011
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Showing 3 changed files with 799 additions and 3 deletions.

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