This Contains repositories created during university courses at School of ECE NTUA.
Algorithmic Problems in C++.
Course: Algorithms and complexity
A DBMS for a hotel.
Course: Databases
A Hangman Game Written in Java.
Course: Multimedia Technology Course
Excercises with code for different Microprecessors (8085,AVR,8086).
Course: Microprocessors Systems
Excercises in C around UNIX commands, Processes, Synchronization and Virtual memory.
Course: Operating Systems
Prigramming Excercises in Various Languages ( C++, SML, ProLog, Python, Java)
Course: Programming Languages I
Image and Video Analysis, including methods for both traditional and Machine Learning Methods (python, tensorflow, Jupyter Notebooks)
Course: Image and Video Analysis and Technology
Course: Artificial Inteligence
Donaid: An android App that helps you find Voluntairy Actions in your area (Flutter)
Course: Human Computer Interaction