- Navigate into Modules => Module Manager => Click Upload Module button => Select the package (prestashop-sellixpay.zip)
- Click the Configure link to configure the module settings.
- Extract the package (prestashop-sellixpay.zip)
- Upload the sellixpay folder to /modules/ folder
- Navigate into Modules => Module Catalog => Enter the 'sellixpay' in the search field to locate the module.
- Click the install button to install the module.
- Click the Configure link to configure the module settings.
- Navigate into Modules => Module Manager => Enter the 'sellixpay' in the search field to locate the module.
- Click the Configure link to configure the module settings.
== Changelog ==
= 1.0.0 =
- Initial release.
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 1.0.2 =
- Added a new gateway: Cash App.
- Added a new option: merchant can enable their own branded sellix pay checked url to their customers.
- And updated Bitcoin Cash gateway value
- And updated perfectmoney gateway value
- Updated webhook to handle the 'PROCESSING' status received from sellix pay
= 1.0.3 =
- Removed layout selection, confirmations, sellix payment gateways enable/disable, and email configuration fields
- Removed sellix payment gateway selection UI in the frontend.