Make yourself some tea, and sit down for a conversation! The road of programming is amazing!
- Economic Crisis, a Hearts of Iron IV modification
- SpriteSheetPacker, a Hearts of Iron IV mod tools
- Modified version of MapGen with fixes under 1.9, a Hearts of Iron IV mod tools
- EnigmaLauncher, open source launcher for pdx games
- KachanovCraft, Minecraft is a project of YouTuber Kachanov
- Numerous fixes of various open source plugins for Minecraft.
- Translations of various plugins and tools! Example: hoi4geoparser and other's.
- A huge number of small programs for Role-Play and Fun Game..
- And much more you can find further in my profile and in my public organizations that you can see.
- Development of applications/software for C++ (Qt5 && Qt6), Python, C#, Java, Rust, Go.
- Understanding functional and object-oriented programming, sockets, TCP/UDP and other's.
- Administration of Linux servers based on Arch and Debian, Docker containerization, management of Hyper-V and VMware hypervisors.
- Management of various corporate products from Assistan (Jira, confluence) and other's companys.
- Monitoring the software product for weaknesses and security issues. Interesting? Here is recently found - click.
- Project team management and management. Organization of other developers in the team and coordination. Administration of social networks. Communication with communities.
- Development and creation of UI/UX, user-friendly and human interfaces. Prototyping a de# Figma.