This repository contains solutions, tests and descriptions to LeetCode problems, implemented in Java and MySQL
LeetCode is an online platform where you can practice coding and prepare for technical interviews. It features a vast collection of algorithm and data structure problems, ranging from easy to hard, that you can solve using your preferred programming language.
The solutions to LeetCode problems are organized by problem number, level and type: java or sql. Each directory contains a README file with a brief description of the problem and a solution file with the corresponding code. In directory test you can find tests for problem`s solutions.
# | Title | Solution |
1211 | Queries Quality and Percentage | SQL |
1280 | Students and Examinations | SQL |
1327 | List the Products Ordered in a Period | SQL |
1873 | Customers Who Never Order | SQL |
627 | Swap Salary | SQL |
1978 | Employees Whose Manager Left the Company | SQL |
596 | Classes More Than 5 Students | SQL |
610 | Triangle Judgement | SQL |
196 | Delete Duplicate Emails | SQL |
1517 | Find Users With Valid E-Mails | SQL |
182 | Duplicate Emails | SQL |
620 | Not Boring Movies | SQL |
586 | Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orders | SQL |