A curated list of excellent resources on serverless technologies and architectures. This is a community project so if you'd like to add something please issue a PR. All contributions are welcomed.
Serverless MeetUps - MeetUps focusing on Serverless Technologies all over the world.
Serverlessconf - The one and only conference on Serverless Technologies & Architectures
- Serverlessconf London Oct 26-28
- Serverlessconf Tokyo Sep 30 - Oct 1
- Serverlessconf NYC May 26-27
“Serverless” is just a name. We could have called it “Jeff” by Paul Johnston
What's this Serverless Thing Anyway by Sam Kroonenburg
Serverless Architectures by Mike Roberts
WTF is Operations? #serverless by Charity Majors
Debunking Serverless Myths by Peter Sbarski
A brief history of cloud compute: IAAS, PAAS, serverless by Sam Kroonenburg
When not to use Serverless (Jeff) by Paul Johnston
Serverless: Volume Compute for a New Generation by RedMonk
The Serverless Start-Up - Down With Servers! by Marcel Panse and Sander Nagtegaal
Serverless Architectures on AWS - by Peter Sbarski & Sam Kroonenburg
Serverless Patterns of Modern Application Design Using Microservices - by Obie Fernandez
Serverless Single Page Apps - by Ben Rady
AWS Lambda: The Complete Guide by Sam Kroonenburg & Ryan Kroonenburg
iOS on AWS by Ryan Kroonenburg & Peter Sbarski
Serverless Zone - The community for all things serverless
Serverlesscode by Ryan Brown
Host a Static Website on AWS for Free by Danger Ginger
How to do queues in AWS Lambda by Paul Johnston
Easy video transcoding in AWS by Peter Sbarski
Building Serverless Apps with AWS Lambda by Ado Kukic
Setting up a Serverless Contact Form by Daniel Ruskin
SquirrelBin: A Serverless Microservice Using AWS Lambda by Tim Wagner & Will Gaul
Pokémon Go and GraphQL with AWS Lambda by Vince Ning
Building a Serverless Facebook messenger chatbot by Philipp Müns
A Serverless REST API in Minutes With Serverless Framework by Clemens Helm, Florian Motlik, and Manuel Weiss
Video introduction to Functions
Distributed Processing with Azure Functions by Andrew Male
Azure functions with Slack and OpenWeather by refwarlock
Testing Azure Functions by Wesley McSwain
How to scale Azure Functions by Daria Grigoriu
IBM Bluemix OpenWhisk 101: Developing a Microservice by Alexander Sologub
IBM Bluemix OpenWhisk REST API by Takehiko Amano
How to write JavaScript Actions for OpenWhisk on Bluemix by Niklas Heidloff
Building Serverless Apss with Webtask by Ado Kukic
hook.io - Microservice and web hook hosting
IOPipe - IOpipe is an analytics and distributed tracing service which allows you to see inside Amazon Lambda functions for better insights into the daily operations and development of event driven “serverless” applications.
Serverless Framework - Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more!
Apex - Build, deploy, and manage AWS Lambda functions with ease (with Go support!)
Claudia - Claudia makes it easy to deploy Node.js projects to AWS Lambda
Lambada Framework - Build serverless REST API's with JAVA. It implements the JAX-RS API and deploys your application easily to AWS Lambda and API Gateway
Sparta - A Go framework for AWS Lambda microservices
Vadium - Stress-free security layer for your serverless architecture
λ Gordon - Gordon is a tool to create, wire and deploy AWS Lambdas using CloudFormation
ServerlessCalc - Calculating cost for AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions, and IBM OpenWhisk
Shep - A framework for building JavaScript APIs with AWS API Gateway and Lambda
Serverless Artillery - Combine serverless with artillery and you get serverless-artillery (a.k.a. slsart) for instant, cheap, and easy performance testing at scale.
discfg - A serverless application configuration tool using Lambda and DynamoDB
Pokego-Serverless - Serverless-powered API to fetch nearby Pokemon Go data
LambCI - A continuous integration system built on AWS Lambda
Teletext.io - Add editing capabilities to your existing website without using a CMS