This project is developed using the latest KMM framework. Using the REST API of the TMDB, the app displays a collection of movies.
- Kotlin MultiPlatform Mobile
- Light/dark mode support
- Popular Screen: Displays a list of popular movies. User can navigate to the movie details screen by tapping on a movie card. User can also favorite/unfavorite a movie by tapping the star icon on the movie card.
- Detail Screen: Shows an overview of a movie and also displays a list of recommended movies.
- Favorite Screen: Displays a list of movies that a user has marked as favorite.
Framework: Kotlin MultiPlatform Mobile (KMM)
UI Framework: Jetpack Compose (Android), SwiftUI (IOS)
Dependency Injection: Koin
Network Client: Ktor
Local Storage: SQLDelight
Concurrency: Coroutine, Flow, KMP-NativeCoroutines
Test: MockK