Adds default settings for 3 kinds of builds
- Internal Library
- OSS Library
- Application
Due to an update to our nexus repository one needs to update to a version > 4.1.3 if you are using (or want to use) other New Motion libraries in you project
Add following to project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += "TNM" at ""
addSbtPlugin("com.newmotion" % "sbt-build-seed" % "5.1.2")
To develop a library in your build.sbt use:
To develop an OSS library in your build.sbt use:
To develop an application in your build.sbt use:
Instead of standard sbt launcher use sbt-extras and add following alias to your shell init script
alias sbt="sbt -sbt-force-latest"
If you keep updating sbt-extras you'll always have up-to-date sbt at your disposal.
Releases >= 5.1.0
- Java 8
- sbt
>= 1.3.0
Releases >= 2.0.1
- Java 8
- sbt
>= 0.13.13
Releases >= 1.1.1
- sbt
>= 0.13.9
Releases >= 1.0.0
- Java 8
Since release 1.8.0
and before 2.0.0
Java 8 support is optional. For Java 7 support use setting
javaVersion := "1.7"
This tool does not provide default values for the name
and the organization
, which are required by sbt to publish to the
right path with the right name.