LiDAR_Localization_100FPS, referred to as LiDAR-ReLoc, is a straightforward yet effective relocalization solution that leverages a point cloud map and a single LiDAR scan. It is specifically designed to efficiently (100 FPS) restore the global 3-DOF pose of a robot that has been kidnapped or lost.
This method adopts an offline-online approach, where maps are created and the database is collected offline once, enabling multiple instances of online relocalization.
Note: The current version eliminates KD trees, which slightly impact relocalization efficiency.
Note: The left side shows the localization illustration, while the right displays a simple descriptor.
- LiDAR-ReLoc has been accepted for JAG: Published Paper.
- If you use code or data of LiDAR-ReLoc in your academic research, please cite our paper:
title={LiDAR localization at 100 FPS: a map-aided and template descriptor-based global method},
author={Shi, Pengcheng and Li, Jiayuan and Zhang, Yongjun},
journal={International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation},
- Ubuntu 20.04
- ROS noetic
- Eigen
- OpenMP
Using KITTI as an example, despite issues with the correction file, it is utilized to convert the camera pose to the LiDAR-centered coordinate system for comparison consistency.
- KITTI dataset
├── kitti
│ └── 07
│ ├── lidar_pose.txt
│ ├── times.txt
│ └── velodyne
│ ├── 000000.bin
│ ├── 000001.bin
│ └── ...
Note: In lidar_pose.txt, each row represents a LiDAR-centered pose in KITTI format, i.e., a 3x4 matrix.
- Map directory
A "database" subdirectory should be created within the "map" directory, and all files generated during offline map processing will be stored within these directories.
├── kitti
│ └── 07
│ └── map
│ ├── candidate_pts.pcd
│ ├── pass_map.pcd
│ ├── raw_map.pcd
│ └── database
│ ├── 0.bin
│ ├── 1.bin
│ ├── ...
│ └── 1600.bin
- download and build the code
$ git clone
// move the folder to your catkin/src/
// cd the folder of catkin
$ catkin_make
Note: Prepare the KITTI or other datasets beforehand.
- offline mapping
$ roslaunch lidar_reloc mapping.launch
// a new terminal
$ roslaunch lidar_reloc play_kitti_for_mapping.launch
Note: The purple represents virtual points generated from the ground, while the others denote map points.
- offline collecteing database:
// a new terminal
$ roslaunch lidar_reloc collect_database.launch
Note: The left side shows the terminal output of the "collect database", while the right displays a portion of the map database.
- online relocalization
$ roslaunch lidar_reloc relocate.launch
// Wait for RViz to load the map (about 1 second)
// a new terminal
$ roslaunch lidar_reloc play_kitti_for_relocate.launch
- KITTI 06
- Parking Lot
- Corridor
For any inquiries, feel free to contact me:
- Pengcheng Shi {}
Thanks for linefit.
- Add publised paper
- Add demo examples
- Add ROS support
- Eliminate th reliance on the offline mapping process.