Hello World 👋
Olá mundo 👋
你好世界 👋
How is it going?
- 🙋♂️ My name is Matheus
- 🇧🇷 I'm Brazilian
- 🎓 I have a technical degree from Instituto Federal de São Paulo (IFSP)
- 🎓 Currently, studying Computer Science on UNIP (7th term)
- 🐧 Linux lover (Currently using Fedora)
- 👨💻 I'm a Full-Stack Developer, currently working with:
- TypeScript
- Frameworks:
- React, Vite, Tailwindcss
- React Native, Expo
- Laravel
- 💪 Learning SNES Assembly, Gelam
- 🦓 On the Z stack: Zed, Zen Browser
- 💜 I love the FOSS world
Como vai?
- 🙋♂️ Me chamo Matheus
- 🇧🇷 Sou brasileiro
- 🎓 Sou formado técnico no Instituto Federal de São Paulo (IFSP)
- 🎓 Atualmente, cursando Ciência da Computação na UNIP (7º semestre)
- 🐧 Amante de Linux (Usando Fedora)
- 👨💻 Sou um Desenvolvedor Full-Stack, trabalho atualmente com:
- TypeScript
- Frameworks:
- React, Vite, Tailwindcss
- React Native, Expo
- Laravel
- 💪 Aprendendo Assembly de SNES, Gleam
- 🦓 Usando a Z stack: Zed, Zen Browser
- 💜 Amo o universo FOSS
- 🙋♂️ 我是 Matheus
- 🇧🇷 我是巴西人
- 🎓 我拥有技术学位的 Instituto Federal de São Paulo (IFSP)
- 🎓 目前在 UNIP 学习计算机科学(第七学期)
- 🐧 我喜欢 Linux (使用 Fedora)
- 👨💻 我是全栈开发人员,目前致力于:
- TypeScript
- Frameworks:
- React, Vite, Tailwindcss
- React Native, Expo
- Laravel
- 💪 学习 SNES Assembly、Gleam
- 🦓 使用 Z 堆栈: Zed, Zen Browser
- 💜 我热爱 FOSS 世界
Updated on: 2025-02-16