Timed is a command-line time tracker.
$ timed start myproject
starting work on myproject
at 16:35 on 07 Feb 2011
$ timed
working on myproject:
from 16:35 on 07 Feb 2011
to now, 17:00 on 07 Feb 2011
=> 0h25m have elapsed
$ timed stop
worked on myproject
from 16:35 on 07 Feb 2011
to now, 17:40 on 07 Feb 2011
=> 1h5m elapsed
$ timed summary
myproject 1h5m
$ cat ~/.timed
myproject: 16:35 on 07 Feb 2011 - 17:40 on 07 Feb 2011
$ cat ~/.timed | grep "Jan 2011" | timed parse
From GitHub:
$ git clone git://github.com/adeel/timed.git
$ cd timed
# python setup.py install
From Pypi:
# pip install timed
For Arch Linux, Tom Vincent (@tlvince) has prepared a PKGBUILD.
timed: alias for 'timed status'
timed status:
print current status
timed start <project>:
start tracking for <project>
timed stop:
stop tracking for the active project
timed summary:
show a summary of all projects
timed parse:
parses a stream with text formatted as a Timed logfile and shows a
timed help:
print help
Enable tab completion for project names by putting this in your .bashrc:
shopt -s progcomp
timed_complete() {
local partial
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$( timed projects )' -- $partial))
return 0
complete -F timed_complete -o dirnames timed
Thanks to [Tom Vincent] (http://github.com/tlvince).
Copyright (c) 2011 Adeel Ahmad Khan adeel@adeel.ru.
MIT license.