by ShortKedr
First working version of project is ready.
Most of project features still under development
This page still under development
Localization Package source files are placed by next path: /Assets/ThirdParty/Krugames/LocalizationSystem
You can't use this solution for commercial purposes.
For more information, please, contact me on email
To open editor select menu Window -> Krugames -> Localization
Editor looks as showed on following images:
Linkers allow to make logic-less localization bind.
There are following linkers currently available:
Audio Source Linker (audio clip):
Package has it's own project-wide settings. There will be more setting points in future.
Project has example scene, that uses default linkers.
Launch Assets/Examples/SimpleExample/SimpleExample.unity
// Get current used language
SystemLanguage currentLanguage = Localization.CurrentLanguage;
// Get current locale for current language
ILocale currentLocale = Localization.CurrentLocale;
// Get all dynamic locales
DynamicLocale[] dynamicLocales = Localization.DynamicLocales;
// Get list of all supported languages
SystemLanguage[] supportedLanguage = Localization.SupportedLanguages;
// Get list of validated locales
ILocale[] validLocales = Localization.ValidLocales;
// Get base validated locale
ILocale baseValidLocale = Localization.BaseValidLocale;
// Initialize localization system manually
// Get locale by language
ILocale locale = Localization.GetLocale(SystemLanguage.English);
// Set current language
// Checks if localization system contains specified language
bool hasLanguage = Localization.SupportsLanguage(SystemLanguage.Swedish);
// Add new dynamic locale to system
DynamicLocale dynamicLocale = new DynamicLocale();
// Remove specified dynamic locale
// Unload all unused asset resources
// Get untyped term value
object gValue = Localization.GetTermValue("term_name");
// Get untyped term value, but guarantee it has specified type
object tgValue = Localization.GetTermValue("term_name", typeof(string));
// Get term value of specified type
string value = Localization.GetTermValue<string>("term_name");
// Get untyped term value for specified language
object glValue = Localization.GetTermValue("term_name", SystemLanguage.English);
// Get untyped term value for specified language, but gurantee it has specified type
object tglValue = Localization.GetTermValue("term_name", typeof(string), SystemLanguage.English);
// Get term value of specified type from specified language
string lValue = Localization.GetTermValue<string>("term_name", SystemLanguage.English);
// Setup language change callback
void Callback() {
Console.WriteLine("Language was changed");
//Setup complex language change callback
void ComplexCallback(LocaleLibrary library, SystemLanguage oldLang, SystemLanguage newLang) {
Console.WriteLine($"Language was changed from{oldLang} to {newLang} in {library}");
// Remove language change callback
// Remove complext language change callback
There some possible system extensions that currently available.
[assembly: RegisterLocaleTerm(typeof(PersonTerm), "Person Data")]
public class PersonTerm : LocaleTerm<PersonData> {
public class PersonData {
public string firstName;
public string secondName;
public Gender gender;
public int age;
public override string ToString() {
return $"{nameof(PersonData)} ({firstName} {secondName}, {gender}, {age})";
public enum Gender {
Male = 0,
Female = 1,
Result will appear in Localization Editor.
Package uses default unity inspector,
so you can redifine it with custom UnityEditor.Editor inheritor class
[assembly: RegisterTranslator(typeof(MyCustomTranslator))]
public class MyCustomTranslator : StringTranslator {
public override void Translate(string data, SystemLanguage from, SystemLanguage to, TranslationSuccessDelegate successCallback,
TranslationFailDelegate failCallback) {
bool success = Random.Range(0, 100) > 50;
if (success) successCallback?.Invoke("This is translated text", to, from);
else failCallback?.Invoke(data, from, to);
[assembly: RegisterLocaleSerializer(typeof(FunnySerializer), "Funny File", "funny")]
public class FunnySerializer : LocaleSerializer<string> {
public override string SerializeSmart(ILocale locale) {
return $"{locale.Language}\n" +
$"This is serialized data";
public override void DeserializeSmart(IModifiableLocale targetLocale, string data) {
Console.WriteLine("No serialization for Funny Files");
public class MyValidator : Validator<Locale> {
public override ValidationReport<Locale> ValidateWithReport(Locale validationSubject) {
List<ValidationError> errors = new List<ValidationError>(16);
errors.Add(new ValidationError("This is error example"));
errors.Add(new ValidationError("Another error example"));
ValidationReport<Locale> report = new ValidationReport<Locale>(validationSubject, errors.ToArray());
return report;
public class ValidationExpansionExample {
private static void LaunchReport() {
Locale locale = (Locale)LocaleLibrary.Instance.BaseLocale;
MyValidator validator = new MyValidator();
ValidationReport report = validator.ValidateWithReport(locale);
ValidationReportWindow.ShowReport(report, $"Validation for {}");
public class ComplexText : CustomLinker {
[SerializeField] private string descriptionTerm = "none";
[SerializeField] private string silenceWordTerm;
[SerializeField] private TMP_Text text;
[SerializeField] private float damage = 90f;
[SerializeField] private float tickInterval = 1f;
[SerializeField] private float skillTime = 1f;
public override void UpdateContent() {
string desc = Localization.GetTermValue<string>(descriptionTerm);
string silenceWord = Localization.GetTermValue<string>(silenceWordTerm);
text.text = desc
.Replace("@silence_word@", silenceWord)
.Replace("@damage@", damage.ToString("0"))
.Replace("@tick_interval@", tickInterval.ToString("0"))
.Replace("@skill_time@", skillTime.ToString("0"));