Welcome to my GitHub profile! I am a curious researcher at the interface of Cognitive Science and Computer Vision! I have a very interdisciplinary research background. My academic background comes with a B.Sc. (H) in Physics from the University of Delhi and an M.Sc. in Life Science Informatics from the University of Bonn. Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in Cognitive Computer Vision at the Cognitive Computer Vision Lab, at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. I have worked on various interdisciplinary research projects and am looking for collaborators!
🌱 I’m currently learning advanced Computer Vision and Cognitive Science.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open-source projects.
💬 Ask me about Python, Data Science, Machine Learning and Cognitive Science.
⚡ Fun fact: I love watching action movies and programming in my free time.
- Python
- JavaScript
- HTML5 & CSS3
- C++
- Java
- R
- Scala
- Matlab
- React
- Node.js
- Django
- Pandas
- Python
- Git & GitHub
- Docker
- VS Code
- Jupyter Notebook
Thank you for visiting my profile! 😊