Check whether the program you are going to add already exists in the repo or not. Make sure you're not repeating any program.
How to contribute? :
Fork this repo
Clone it using command :
$ git clone paste_the_copied_url.
Open folder "Cpp-Programs" :
$ cd Cpp-Programs
$ cd folder_name
eg: cd Recursion
Create new branch :
$ git branch new_branch_name
eg: git branch additional
Checkout to new branch from master branch :
$ git checkout new_branch_name
eg: git checkout additional
Create a file program.cpp
Write the code inside program.cpp file
NOTE: Before writng code refer sample file and write the code in the same format as given
Add file :
$ git add -A
Commit file :
$ git commit -m "comment"
eg: git commit -m "program added"
Push the file :
$ git push origin -u 'branch_name'
eg: git push origin -u additional
The given link should be copied and pasted in web browser or go to your repo in web browser
Create a pull request
Thankyou, you just made a contribution ✨.