- World-class research training and education intiative
- Offers several in-person and virtual training workshops, together with assocaited university courses
- Offers an online design-fabricate-test course
Please visit our web page to learn more: https://siepic.ca/education/
- Develops novel fabrication processes to support leading edge research and commercialization activities
- Offers fabrication process development runs for its members
- Offers multi-project wafer research runs
Please visit our web page to learn more: https://siepic.ca/fabrication/
- SiEPIC-Tools: A python package that enables electronic-photonic design automation (EPDA) functions on the free open-source layout editor KLayout.
- Process Design Kits: PDKs can be built to work on the SiEPIC EPDA platform. The SiEPIC EBeam PDK is the reference open-source PDK that can be used to de#to an EBeam fabrication process.
- PyOptomip: Python package to automate electro-optic testing of silicon photonic probe stations. Reference probe station design is included.