Extension for ORMLite for Android
- Creation of tables automatically with a list of classes
- Typical actions automatically done with methods: get, add, edit, delete.
- Can store classes as JSON if it will not be necessary to work with them
- ORMLite
- Gson
- Java5-Annotations
You can find the latest version of the library on jCenter repository.
In your build.gradle
you should declare the jCenter repository into repositories
repositories {
Include the library as dependency:
compile 'com.silicornio:ge-ormlite:0.3.1’
//Include libraries not included in compilation, these are the versions used for last compilation of the library
compile 'com.j256.ormlite:ormlite-android:5.0'
compile 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.0'
compile 'org.jetbrains:annotations-java5:15.0'
//Include libraries not included in compilation: ormlite, gson, and annotations-java5
- Create a Database Manager than extends from GeORMLiteManager. This class should be a shared instance to not open each time the database:
- getClasses() - Array of classes to create as tables. They should have @DatabaseTable annotation from Ormlite.
- getDatabaseName() - Name of the database.
- getDatabaseVersion() - Version of the database, increment with each change.
- onGeUpgrade() - Called when database was upgraded because of new version. Check OrmLite library, it is the same function.
public class DBManager extends GeOrmLiteManager {
public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "GeOrmLiteExample";
private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;
/** Instance of DBManager **/
private static DBManager mInstance;
private DBManager(Context context){
public static DBManager getInstance(Context context){
mInstance = new DBManager(context);
return mInstance;
public Class[] getClasses() {
return new Class[]{
public String getDatabaseName() {
public int getDatabaseVersion() {
public void onGeUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase database, ConnectionSource connectionSource, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
- Create or configure all the classes used as tables.
public class Item {
@DatabaseField(id = true)
public String id;
public boolean flag;
public String text;
public int numberInt;
public float numberFloat;
public double numberDouble;
public String jsonData;
- Now you can execute actions directly:
//add a instance of item object
//get item
Item itemDb = mDbManager.getFirst(Item.class);
//get item with its identifier
Item itemDb = mDbManager.getObjectById(Item.class, "1");
//get item with identifier inside of the object
Item itemDb = mDbManager.getObjectById(item);
//get items by a field
List<Item> itemsDb = mDbManager.getObjectsByFields(Item.class, "text=text");
//get items by a field stores in the class
List<Item> itemsDb = mDbManager.getObjectsByFields(item, "text");
//get items with a custom query. This is similar to execute a query in ORMLite but it checks
//at the end if the object was stored in JSON
List<Item> itemsDb = mDbManager.executeQuery(Item.class, new GeOrmLiteManager.GeQueryImplementation() {
public void applyWhere(Where where) throws SQLException {
where.eq("text", "");
//custom query with traditional OrmLite: You need to get the Dao, you can use an object or a class
//Call to checkJsonData at the end if the object is storing Json data, else it is not necessary
QueryBuilder<T, String> queryBuilder = getDao(klass).queryBuilder();
Where<T, String> where = queryBuilder.where();
return checkJsonData(where.query());
//update the item
//delete item
//and more...
- Store data of a table as JSON. To do that you need to add a variable to the class with @GeDatabaseFieldJson annotation:
Use it to store subclasses that you don't need to use for operations. JSON variable will store all content of the class using Gson library.
public class Item {
//... rest of variables
public String jsonData;
Googlyeyes-ormlite has logs, showing some of the process and errors. You can enable it but remember to disable it in production releases.
GEL.showLogs = true;
Copyright 2017 SilicorniO
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.