This is a Ansible playbook which configures my Ubuntu notebook / VM.
It will do things like:
- Install and configure Docker
- Install a bunch of software (like Spotify, VS Code, GitKraken, etc.)
- Configure the favbar
- Configure the autostart tools
- Install and set the adapta-gtk-theme
- Checkout my favorite GitHub repos
For more details, have a look at the roles/ directory.
Configure the target system, by editing the inventory
<hostname or IP address, e.g.> ansible_ssh_user=<remote user, e.g. jan>
Comment out the local / remote section, depending on your needs.
Create / modify the setup_user_vars.yml
- setup_user: <target user who will use the system, e.g. jan>
- ssh_user: <remote user, e.g. jan>
- setup_user_full_name: <target user full name, e.g. Neil Armstrong>
- setup_user_email: <target user email address, e.g.>
Attention: This is not needed when ansible should run on your local host.
Enable SSH by installing openssh-server on your target machine:
sudo apt install openssh-server
Now, you have to setup the authentication:
- Option A) Setup the public-private key based authentication between your host and target machine, e.g. as mentioned here:
- Option B) Alternatively, you can also authenticate via username-password. This is default (via
If host key checking should be disabled, please comment in the option in the ansible.cfg
Attention: Please ensure that your SSH access is hardened (or just disabled after running ansible).
Then run
sudo ./
sudo ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory -f 10
to execute the playbook on your inventory.
Log files can be found under the logs/ directory.
- Add playonlinux / Steam setup
- Add wallpaper & lock screen setup (in theme role)