This is a very simple Boilerplate application, this has following features.
- User can # and Up
- After signing in he can see a list of items
- I didn't add many functionality and didn't polish UI intentionally, tried to keep it barebone as much as possible
- Updating it on daily basis as much as possible, work in progess[WIP].
- React Native Tutorial: Building Android Apps with JavaScript
- Up & Running with React Native + Visual Studio Mobile Center
- My Development Toolset 2019 for React Native iOS Development
- Learning React Native
- Organizing a React Native Project
- A Brief Overview of ES6 for React Native Developers
- The Full React Native Layout Cheat Sheet
- VSCode for React Native
- Expo
- Visual Studio Code
- CodePush
- Flow
- Sonar Qube Continuous Code Quality
- React Developer Tools
- React Devtools
- Reactotron
- Support by clicking the ⭐ button on the upper right of this page. ✌️
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