ACTIVA: Realistic scRNAseq Generation with Automatic Cell-Type identification using Introspective Variational Autoencoders
This Repository contains the package for ACTIVA (Automatic Cell-Type-conditioned Introspective Variational Autoencoder). Our paper is now available here.
Tutorials for using ACTIVA are avaialable here
The original data (sparse matrices) is freely available on
All of our data can be freely downloaded using the following addresses:
Data | URI |
Pre-processed Brain Small | s3://activa-material/PreprocessedData/20kBrainSmall_preprocessed.h5 |
Pre-processed 68K PBMC | s3://activa-material/PreprocessedData/68kPBMC_preprocessed.h5ad |
Pre-processed NeuroCOVID | s3://activa-material/PreprocessedData/NeuroCovid/NeuroCOVID_PreProcessedUsingScGAN_Sparse.h5ad |
Post-processed Brain Small | s3://activa-material/PostProcessedData/final_brainsmall_val_int_clust.h5ad |
Post-processed 68K PBMC | s3://activa-material/PostProcessedData/final_68kpbmc_val_int_clust.h5ad |
our pre-trained models can be freely accessed using the following URIs:
Model | URI |
Brain Small | s3://activa-material/Model-Weights/20K\ Brain\ Small/ACTIVA_BrainSamll.pth |
68K PBMC | s3://activa-material/Model-Weights/68K\ PBMC/ACTIVA_68kPBMC.pth |
The code can be run either directly or through a package structure (recommended); that is, you can install ACTIVA
package locally and just import the needed classes/methods/functions as needed. It is important to note that since ACTIVA uses two homemade packages (ACTINN and SoftAdapt) on GitHub, installing requirements.txt
in advance is recommended.
Ensure that you are in the same directory as requirements.txt
. Then using pip
, we can install the requirements with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Although the core requirements are listed directly in
, it is good to run this beforehand in case of any dependecy on packages from GitHub.
Make sure to be in the same directory as
. Then, using pip
, run:
pip install -e .
For step 2, expect a lot of the requirements to be satisfied already (since you installed the requirements in advance).
You can train the model by adding the appropriate flags on the bash call to python; any arguments that are not explicitly called will resort to the pre-define defaults. Here is an example of running the code on 8 GPU (after installing the package), with explicitely declaring the number of epochs and the learning rates:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICE=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python --lr 0.0002 --lr_e 0.0002 --lr_g 0.0002 --nEpochs 500
and similarly, all other hyperparameters can be passed on explicitly on the call.
Next Release : We will automatically detect number of GPUs and force the model to run on all, unless explictely instructed by user to do otherwise.
To continue the training an existing network on a new/old dataset, you can explicitely pass the --pretrain
argument with the path to the last check-point you want to continue from. Here is an example of fine-tuning the model on two GPU from a saved model:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICE=0,1 python --pretrained 'PATH/TO/CHKPT' --nEpochs 10
Next Release : For now, the data has to be explicitly defined in
script, but in the next release we will add an arg parser flag for passing new datasets.
provides a function called load_model
which can load in a pretrained network (or checkpoint). After loading in the model, you can use the usual PyTorch convention for inference.
Please cite our repository if it was useful for your research:
author = {Heydari, A. Ali and Davalos, Oscar A and Zhao, Lihong and Hoyer, Katrina K and Sindi, Suzanne S},
date-added = {2023-01-23 12:50:22 -0800},
date-modified = {2023-01-23 12:50:22 -0800},
doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btac095},
eprint = {\_supplementary\_data.pdf},
issn = {1367-4803},
journal = {Bioinformatics},
month = {02},
number = {8},
pages = {2194-2201},
title = {{ACTIVA: realistic single-cell RNA-seq generation with automatic cell-type identification using introspective variational autoencoders}},
url = {},
volume = {38},
year = {2022},
bdsk-url-1 = {}}