These scripts will allow to reset the upload port for specific Arduino boards from Eclipse CDT with the Arduino Plugin. Or to upload to the Intel Edison using WIfi.
1. avrdudeWrapper
2. arduino101loadWrapper
3. cluploadEdison
This is derived from the windows batch file from: It brings the port to 1200Baud to reset the Arduino and bring it in upload mode. Which is required for Arduinos based on the ATmega32u4 like the Leonardo.
Script is tested on:
Macos: HighSierra and Mojava.
Linux: Ubuntu 18:04
Boards: Leonardo, Arduino Robot, Esplora.
Installation instuctions.
Make sure the script is executable.
Locate the .arduinocdt folder. This is normaly hidden in your user folder
1: Place this script in:
2: Edit:
3: (re)start eclipse.
This is similar to the avrdudeWrapper it brings the port to 1200Baud to reset the Arduino101 and bring it in upload mode.
Script is tested on:
Macos: HighSierra and Mojava.
Linux: Does not work!! Boards reset but doesn't seem to be regonised by OS.
Installation instuctions.
Make sure the script is executable.
Locate the .arduinocdt folder. This is normaly hidden in your user folder
1: Place this script in:
2: Edit:
3: (re)start eclipse.
This script adds the possibility to download the program to Intel Edison boards using Wifi.
Script is tested on:
Macos: HighSierra and Mojava.
Linux: Ubuntu 18:04
Installation instuctions.
Locate the .arduinocdt folder. This is normaly hidden in your user folder
1. Prepare the Edison:
Create the user and group "download" on the edison
Add the user download to the group download.
change the group of the /sketch directory to download
Change the mode of the /sketch directory to give group read write and execute privilege.
Create the ssh keypair for the download user
Move the private key to the Mac.
Add the public key to the authorized_keys of the download user
2. Prepare the Mac Linux
Make a node file with the hostname of the edison wifi.
i.e. for hostname is foo
> sudo mknod /dev/ c 3 2
> sudo mknod /dev/ c 3 2
NOTE1: This have to be repeated after a reboot.
NOTE2: On MacOS this must start with cu.
On Linux this must start with ttyACM
Otherwise it will not be offered in the Serial Port drop down menu
3. Place this script in:
/Users/[YOURUSERNAME]/.arduinocdt/packages/Intel/tools/sketchUploader \
4. Edit:
/Users/[YOURUSERNAME]/.arduinocdt/packages/Intel/hardware/i686 \
Replace for:
tools.izmirdl.cmd.path={} \
tools.izmirdl.cmd.path={} \
tools.izmirdl.cmd.path={} \
5. (re)start Eclipse
This script create the wifi node files in the /dev directory required by the cluploadEdison script.
Usage > sudo createWifiNodes hostname1 [hostname2] [hostname3] ... [hostnameN]