- Added fishing rods
- Experimental packet cancel option to Backtrack
- Added new pushdown animation
- Backtrack desync & added reset to Backtrack
- Added VerusFHop speed mode, improved VerusGlide fly mode
- Back target styles
- Added modes to TickBase module
- Attributes blink color - armor element
- Armor Alert Repair Reminder Threshold / Alert Durability Threshold
- Macro Manager / Macro Command / Macro on Binds
- InvMove fullMovements/noMoveClicks/noDetectable/rotate mode
- Keybind Manager UI
- Scaffold jumpstrafe option
- Added blink antivoid & renamed bugup -> antivoid
- Added invutils finditemarray, selfinteract optimization
- Update speed HypixelHop
- Added the line option to FakeLag
- In singleplayer, you can only blink via receive mode
- Fixed, improved & optimized staff detector
- Added velocity pause on explosion
- Added antibot capabilities mode
- Added blinkautoblock blink ticks
- InventoryMove mouse support
- Color Theme client added / Interface coming soon
- Added noslow foodonly & drinkonly & intave consume
- Add MinRotationDiffFromEnemyToIgnore to SuperKnockback
- World Color option ambience
- Ambience dynamic/day/dusk/night mode
- Make TickBase's visuals customizable
- Add NotOnMove option to Tower
- Vulcan tower
- Hypixel bypasses (nofall, autoblock)
- Improved & added more options to customspeed
- TickBase min/max range, changes, only killaura
- InventoryManager more customizable and new options
- Proper RenderUtils color reset
- Scoreboard rect color reset
- LocalConfig delete command
- Blink antivoid with scaffold
- Blink antivoid
- Log4j syntax
- Tower rotating even if rotations are off
- Chat alert - armor element
- Armor element alignment attributes / cleanup code
- KeybindManager bind names / cleanup code
- Make all visual ChestStealer values subjective
- VerusGlide fly flags
- Use infix for safe division
- Save division cast int to float
- Safe division for randomClickDelay
- MinEnemyRotDiffToIgnore option
- Fix the JumpDirections option in Sprint
- Subjective values not being subjective (InventoryManager)
- Projectiles sidehit null
- Disabler values / Killaura slowdown on direction change
- TickBase line option & Backtrack isSelected
- Black hotbar option not being aligned correctly
- BlinkAutoBlock sequence
- Add missing tower option to scaffold
- Safe division for rotation slowdown calculations
- Treat Godbridge mode as Godbridge rotation mode
Full Changelog: b5...b6