The library provides an easy way to show skeleton loading view like Facebook and Alipay.
It now uses a memory optimised version of shimmer animation so it is even faster and you can animate bigger layouts as well.
- Light
- Noninvasive, you don't need to make changes to existing code.
- Wide applicability,it is available for all views
- Memory optimised
In your build.gradle:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.skywalkerdarren:skeleton:2.0.1'
For RecyclerView:
skeletonScreen = Skeleton.bind(recyclerView)
.adapter(adapter) // your actual adapter
.load(R.layout.item_skeleton_news) // skeleton item layout
For View:
skeletonScreen = Skeleton.bind(rootView)
.shimmer(true) // whether show shimmer animation. default is true
.useAlpha(true) // use alpha mode or color mode. default is true
.baseAlpha(0.4f) // the shimmer base alpha. default is 0.4f
.alpha(1f) // the shimmer highlight alpha. default is 1f
.baseColor(color) // the shimmer base color. default is #80878787
.color(color) // the shimmer color. default is #a2878787
.shape(Shape.LINEAR) // the shimmer shape. default is Shape.LINEAR
.angle(20) // the shimmer angle. default is 20;
.direction(Direction.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) // the shimmer animation direction. default is Direction.LEFT_TO_RIGHT
.duration(1000L) // the shimmer animation duration. default is 1000L
.repeatMode(RepeatMode.RESTART) // the animation repeat mode. default is RepeatMode.RESTART
.repeatCount(-1) // the animation repeat count.(-1 is infinite) default is -1
.repeatDelay(0L) // delay in between repeats of the shimmering animation. default is 0L
// if you use recycler view, you should call these first
.adapter(adapter) // your actual adapter
.count(10) // the recycler view item count. default is 10
.frozen(false) // whether frozen recyclerView during skeleton showing default is true
when data return you can call the method to hide skeleton loading view