I love contributing to the opensource community by making most of my projects live and forking existing projects putting my own little spin on them.
Skills: ARM assembly /C/ C++ / C#/Java/Python/Haskell/ JS /HTML/ CSS
I love contributing to the opensource community by making most of my projects live and forking existing projects putting my own little spin on them.
Skills: ARM assembly /C/ C++ / C#/Java/Python/Haskell/ JS /HTML/ CSS
Exchange interface for Rasberry Pi
Dump1090toMQTT is a Python script that monitors data from a dump1090 server, which provides information about airplanes, and publishes this data to an MQTT broker for further processing.
Forked from dj1an/Cubecell_LoRa_APRS_Tracker
LoRa APRS Tracker for Heltec Cubecell GPS Boards