SlimIO Synchronize. This tool has been created to help Developer and Integrator to work, download and verify each local SlimIO repositories.
Note: This project can work with any github Organisation (only the psp command is dedicated to SlimIO).
- Node.js v12 or higher
This package is not yet available on npm. Currently simple for our team to clone and run a link.
$ git clone
$ cd Sync
$ npm ci
$ npm link
To configure the project you have to register (set) environment variables on your system. These variables can be set in a .env file (that file must be created at the root of the project).
To known how to get a GIT_TOKEN and NPM_TOKEN or how to register environment variables follow our Governance Guide.
$ psync install
# or
$ psync outdated
# or
$ psync psp
To show help just type
$ psync --help
The install command has been build to install and sync all SlimIO projects automatically.
To pickup some given project (by their github name):
psync install --pick Scheduler,Addon,Core
If your need is only to clone repositories (which is faster) just add the --noinstall
Windows Defender must be a problem for the install command. The following script will prevent Windows Defender to scan Node.js or npm commands and binaries...
Write-Host "Excluding appdata NPM folder and Node.JS install folder from Windows Defender."
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath ([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%APPDATA%\npm\"))
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Node.js" | Select-Object -Property InstallPath)
Write-Host "Excluding node related executables from Windows Defender."
("node", "node.exe", "Expo XDE.exe", "yarn", "yarn.exe") | foreach {Add-MpPreference -ExclusionProcess $_}
Note: powershell script extension is ps1.
Name | Refactoring | Security Risk | Usage |
@iarna/toml | Minor | Low | Better TOML parsing and stringifying all in that familiar JSON interface. |
@slimio/async-cli-spinner | Minor | Low | Elegant Asynchronous Terminal (CLI) Spinner |
@slimio/lazy | Minor | Low | Setup Lazy evaluation on JavaScript Objects |
@slimio/lock | Minor | Low | Semaphore for async/await |
@slimio/pretty-json | Minor | Low | Stdout beautified JSON |
@slimio/psp | Minor | High | SlimIO projects structure policies |
cliui | Minor | High | Create complicated column de# the terminal |
dotenv | Minor | Low | Loads environment variables from .env |
fast-levenshtein | Minor | Low | An efficient Javascript implementation of the Levenshtein algorithm. |
fast-outdated | Minor | High | Javascript implementation of npm outdated command |
fetch-github-repositories | Minor | Low | Fetch github repositories |
httpie | Minor | Low | A Node.js HTTP client as easy as pie! |
isomorphic-git | Minor | High | Pure Javascript git implementation |
kleur | Minor | Low | The fastest Node.js library for formatting terminal text with ANSI colors |
lodash.pick | Minor | Low | Pick items in a given Object |
make-promises-safe | Low | Force Node.js DEP00018 | |
ms | Minor | Low | Convert various time formats to milliseconds. |
open | Minor | High | Open stuff like URLs, files, executables. Cross-platform. |
qoa | Minor | Low | Minimal interactive command-line prompts |
sade | Minor | Low | Sade is a small but powerful tool for building command-line interface (CLI) applications for Node.js that are fast, responsive, and helpful! |
semver | Low | Semver parser/utilities for node |