Vagrant set up to be used with the Symfony 1 Askeet tutorial.
- Virtual Box. Tested with 4.3.18
- Vagrant. Tested with 1.6.5 and 1.7.4
Add this entry to your hosts file (sudo vi /etc/hosts;): askeet.local
Clone this git repo to your local computer
$ git clone pardot-askeet
into the cloned repo directory$ cd pardot-askeet
Bring the Vagrant box up
$ vagrant up --provider virtualbox
Log in to the guest machine
$ vagrant ssh
sudo vi /usr/share/pear/data/symfony/config/php.yml
remove the
directive -
remove the
directive -
remove the
directive -
sudo vi /usr/share/pear/symfony/cache/sfFileCache.class.php
- comment outset_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
on line 484 -
sudo vi /usr/share/pear/symfony/symfony.php
- changeob_start(sfConfig::get('sf_compressed') ? 'ob_gzhandler' : '');
toob_start(sfConfig::get('sf_compressed') ? 'ob_gzhandler' : null);
on line 132 (changed empty string to null there at the end) -
Navigate to the root of the askeet project
$ cd /var/www/askeet
Begin the askeet tutorial starting with initializing the Symfony project ( Symfony has already been installed for you)
- The project is accessible by browser at http://askeet.local:8080/index.php
- The server is provisioned with Symfony 1.0.22
- Host machine - the actual computer you're using. This machine is used to run Git commands, Vagrant commands, boot up the guest machine, etc.
- Guest machine - the virtual server spun up by the host machine via Vagrant. To SSH into this box, run
$ vagrant ssh
from thepardot-askeet
directory on the host machine. - Root password is
- MySQL credentials are
- Does this work with VMware? No idea, haven't tried.
- Does this work on Windows? No idea, haven't tried.
- Apache error log is located at /var/log/httpd/master_error.log
We use Puppet for provisioning; here's our main manifest file.
Vagrantfile describes the type of machine required for the project and is located here.