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Documenting the API
This guide describes how to document the Sming API. It is aimed at developers of the framework, not users of the framework.
Sming API documentation is created using javadoc style comments within the source code. Comments are added to header files and doxygen is used to create HTML documentation. API documentation is organised as a set of modules, each of which represents a logical topic, e.g. Date and Time.
The API documentation covers the core Sming framework and relevant parts of the ESP SDK (where this is required to use the framework). The API does not cover contributed libraries which should be documented by the upstream contributor. Within the source code tree, this includes:
- Services
- SmingCore
- Wiring
- rboot
The following elements of source code are documented:
- Global constants
- Classes
- Class public members: functions, variables, operators
- Macros
- Structures
- Enumerations
Javadoc comments use the following style:
- Start with /**
- End with */
- Each line (between start and end) starts with a space and a *
- Doxygen commands are prefixed with @
- Constants documentation use the command ///<
Each API documentation comment should be part of a module. To define a module, use the @defgroup command. This should be performed only once within the Sming framework source code. The format is:
@defgroup groupname Brief description of the group
To configure a group to span code, use the @{ and @} commands. When appended to a comment block, @{ will include all subsequent javadoc comments until the next @} command. For example:
/** @defgroup DateTime Date and time functions
* @{
/** @brief Date and time class
* @}
To add some documentation comment to a group, use the @ingroup command. This may be performed several times within the Sming framework source code. The format is:
@ingroup groupname
Use the @{ @} commands to span comments. This avoids the need to add @ingroup commands to each comment.
It is common to be able to define a group and span a whole file using @defgroup and @{ @} commands. This is often possible when all content of a header file relates to a common topic.
Constant values should be included in the constants group, for example:
/** @brief ESP GPIO pin configuration
* @ingroup constants
To document a function, use the following comment style:
/** @brief Brief description of function
* @param "Parameter name" Description of parameter (Default: value if defined)
* @param ... rest of parameters
* @retval DataType Description of return value
* @note Any extra notes that may assist application developer
For example:
/** @brief Get human readable date and time
* @param format Select the date format, e.g. dtDateUS for mm.dd.yyyy (Default: dd.mm.yyyy)
* @retval String Date and time in format dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss
* @note Date separator may be changed by adding #define DT_DATE_SEPARATOR "/" to source code
String toFullDateTimeString(dtDateFormat_t format = dtDateFormatEU);
To document a Sming framework constant, use command ///<, for example:
int8_t DayofWeek; ///< Day of week (0-6 Sunday is day 0)