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Sample Compilation Issues

slaff edited this page Feb 20, 2017 · 1 revision

The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you have a clean source code. And second if the sample is still not compiling you have to provide us with more information.

Let's start with the first part: "Clean Source Code State". If you are familiar with git you can run git status to get more information. Sometimes this won't be enough therefore we recommend you the following steps ( They are working on Linux with bash shell. If you have another OS and shell you should adjust them accordingly).

cd /tmp 
git clone SmingForTest
cd /tmp/SmingForTest/Sming
export SMING_HOME=/tmp/SmingForTest/Sming

The commands above will fetch the latest source code in a directory that should be completely different than the Sming directory that you are using on a daily basis. Also it points the SMING_HOME variable to the new temporary directory with the clean source code.

Now let's go to the second step: "Compile a sample and report issues, if any". We will use the Basic_Ssl sample. Before we compile a sample we need to compile the Sming library. This can be done calling the following commands:

cd /tmp/SmingForTest/Sming
export SMING_HOME=/tmp/SmingForTest/Sming
make clean

The last makes sure to clean any intermediate files or directories. If we run now make. It will fetch the needed submodules, compile the code and build a library out of it. In our case we need to compile Sming with an optional SSL support. In order to compile Sming with SSL we need to add the ENABLE_SSL=1 directive. The command that we need to run now will look like this:

make ENABLE_SSL=1 

On error If the compilation stops with an error, please, copy the output that the command above produces and append it to your bug report. Now run the same command one more time but with the V=1 directive. This will produce a more verbose output that can help the Sming developers figure out the issue.

make ENABLE_SSL=1 V=1 

Make sure to append that output too to your bug report. Tell the Sming developers also what is your SDK (esp-open-sdk, esp-alt-sdk, ...) and version, operating system & version, git version, make & version, so that the developers can reproduce your problem.

On success It is time to compile the Basic_Ssl sample. Do this by executing the commands below:

cd /tmp/SmingForTest/samples/Basic_Ssl
export SMING_HOME=/tmp/SmingForTest/Sming
make clean

On error 2 If that compilation fails make sure to append the output to your bug report. Now compile the sample with the V=1 flags, similar to the compilation of the Sming library.

cd /tmp/SmingForTest/samples/Basic_Ssl
export SMING_HOME=/tmp/SmingForTest/Sming
make V=1