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More than 130 check plugins for Icinga and other Nagios-compatible monitoring applications. Each plugin is a standalone command line tool (written in Python) that provides a specific type of check.


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Python-based Monitoring Check Plugins Collection


This Enterprise Class Check Plugin Collection offers a package of more than 130 Python-based, Nagios-compatible check plugins for Icinga, Naemon, Nagios, OP5, Shinken, Sensu and other monitoring applications. Each plugin is a stand-alone command line tool that provides a specific type of check. Typically, your monitoring software will run these check plugins to determine the current status of hosts and services on your network.

The check plugins run on

  • Linux - Tested on RHEL 7+, Fedora 30+, Ubuntu Server 16+, Debian 9+, SLES 15+
  • Windows - Tested on Windows 10+ and Windows Server 2019+

All plugins are written in Python and licensed under the UNLICENSE, which is a license with no conditions whatsoever that dedicates works to the public domain. The plugins are fast, reliable and use as few system resources as possible. They uniformly and consistently report the same metrics briefly and precisely on all platforms (for example, always "used" instead of a mixture of "used" and "free"). Automatic detection and Auto-Discovery mechanisms are built-in where possible. Using meaningful default settings, the plugins trigger WARNs and CRITs only where absolutely necessary. In addition they provide information for troubleshooting. We try to avoid dependencies on 3rd party system libraries where possible.

Support, Feedback

The source code is published here without support, but Enterprise Support can be obtained via a Service Contract.

In order to keep improving the Monitoring Plugins and better answer your needs, we would like to ask for your help:

Running the Check Plugins on Linux


Install Python 3 (or Python 2, if needed) on the remote host.

Virtual Environment

If you want to use a virtual environment for Python (optional, but recommended), you could create one in the same directory as the check-plugins.

cd /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins

# Python 3
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages monitoring-plugins-venv3

# Python 2
python2 -m virtualenv --system-site-packages monitoring-plugins-venv2

If you prefer to place the virtual environment somewhere else, you can point the MONITORING_PLUGINS_VENV2 or MONITORING_PLUGINS_VENV3 environment variable to your virtual environment. This takes precedence over the virtual environment above.


Make sure the bin/ file is owned by root and not writeable by any other user, as it is executed by the check plugins (where some are executed using sudo).


Get the monitoring check plugins from our Git repository to your local machine or deployment host, using git clone, or by downloading the tar.gz using curl:

curl --output monitoring-plugins.tar.gz${REPO}/tar.gz/refs/tags/$(curl --silent${REPO}/releases/latest | jq -r '.name')

The check plugins require our Python libraries. The libraries are in a separate Git repository, as we also use them in other projects. Use git clone, or by downloading the tar.gz using curl:

curl --output lib.tar.gz${REPO}/tar.gz/refs/tags/$(curl --silent${REPO}/releases/latest | jq -r '.name')


tar xf lib.tar.gz
tar xf monitoring-plugins.tar.gz

Copy the libraries onto the remote host to /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/lib, and copy some or all Python check plugins to /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins while removing the Python version suffix, for example by doing the following:


for f in $(find $SOURCE_PLUGINS -maxdepth 1 -type d); do f=$(basename $f); scp $SOURCE_PLUGINS/$f/$f$PYVER $REMOTE_HOST:$TARGET_DIR/$f; done

We try to avoid dependencies on 3rd party OS- or Python-libraries wherever possible. If we need to use additional libraries for various reasons (for example psutil), we stick with official versions. Some plugins use the following 3rd-party python libraries, so the easiest way is to install them as well:

  • BeautifulSoup4
  • lxml
  • mysql.connector
  • psutil

That's it. After that your directory on the remote host should look like this:

|-- about-me
|-- disk-smart
|-- ...
|-- lib
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   |-- ...
|-- ...


We also provide an Ansible "monitoring-plugins" role. This role deploys the Linuxfabik Monitoring Plugins and the corresponding Monitoring Plugin Library to /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ and /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/lib respectively, allowing them to be easily executed by a monitoring system.


Some check plugins require sudo-permissions to run. To do this, we provide a sudoers file for your operating system in monitoring-plugins/assets/sudoers, for example CentOS8.sudoers. You need to place this file in /etc/sudoers.d/ on the client.


We are always using the path /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ on all Linux OS, even if nagios-plugins-all installs itself to /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ there. This is because adding a command with sudo in Icinga Director, one needs to use the full path of the plugin. See the following GitHub issue.


  • Overwrite /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/lib with the new libraries.
  • Overwrite /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins with the new plugins.
  • Copy the new sudoers file to /etc/sudoers.d/
  • Delete all SQLite database files (*.db) in /tmp.

Running the Check Plugins on Windows


Simply download the latest zip file containing all plugins from


Simply download the latest zip file containing all plugins from and overwrite your installation directory.

Check Plugin Poster

See most of our check plugins at a glance on an Icinga server:


If you zoom in, for example on CPU Usage:


Feedback from our Community

A few comments on our monitoring plugins:

A well engineered, regularly updated and maintained collection of plugins. Specially focused on Linux servers/VMs and used at large scale by the company developing it.

-- straessler

Hello, I stumbled across your collection and am thrilled! Especially the extensive documentary and the Director Baskets are a dream.

-- Stefan Beining

Human Readable Numbers

Regarding the check plugin output, this is how we convert and append symbols to large numbers in a human-readable format (according to Wikipedia Names of large numbers, and other). The plugins display byte sizes in powers of 2 (KiB, MiB, GiB etc.).

Value Symbol Origin Type Description
1000^1 K Number Thousand
1000^2 M SI Symbol Number Million ^1^, Million ^2^
1000^3 G SI Symbol Number Milliard ^1^, Billion ^2^
1000^4 T SI Symbol Number Billion ^1^, Trillion ^2^
1000^5 P SI Symbol Number Billiard ^1^, Quadrillion ^2^
1000^6 E SI Symbol Number Trillion ^1^, Quintillion ^2^
1000^7 Z SI Symbol Number Trilliard ^1^, Sextillion ^2^
1000^8 Y SI Symbol Number Quadrillion ^1^, Septillion ^2^
1024^0 B Bytes Bytes
1024^1 KiB ISQ Symbol Bytes Kibibytes
1024^2 MiB ISQ Symbol Bytes Mebibytes
1024^3 GiB ISQ Symbol Bytes Gibibytes
1024^4 TiB ISQ Symbol Bytes Tebibytes
1024^5 PiB ISQ Symbol Bytes Pebibytes
1024^6 EiB ISQ Symbol Bytes Exbibytes
1024^7 ZiB ISQ Symbol Bytes Zebibytes
1024^8 YiB ISQ Symbol Bytes Yobibytes
1000^1 KB Bytes Kilobytes
1000^2 MB Bytes Megabytes
1000^3 GB Bytes Gigabytes
1000^4 TB Bytes Terrabytes
1000^5 PB Bytes Petabytes
1000^6 EB Bytes Exabytes
1000^7 ZB Bytes Zetabytes
1000^8 YB Bytes Yottabytes
1000^1 Kbps Bits per Second Kilobits
1000^2 Mbps Bits per Second Megabits
1000^3 Gbps Bits per Second Gigabits
1000^4 Tbps Bits per Second Terrabits
1000^5 Pbps Bits per Second Petabits
1000^6 Ebps Bits per Second Exabits
1000^7 Zbps Bits per Second Zetabits
1000^8 Ybps Bits per Second Yottabits
1..59 s Time Seconds
60 m Time Minutes
60*60 h Time Hours
60*60*24 D Time Days
60*60*24*7 W Time Weeks
60*60*24*30 M Time Months
60*60*24*365 Y Time Years
  • 1: Traditional European (Peletier, long scale)
  • 2: US, Canada and modern British (short scale)

Threshold and Ranges

If a check supports ranges, they can be used as follows:

  • Simple value: A range from 0 up to and including the value
  • A "Range" is the same as on ... defined as a start and end point (inclusive) on a numeric scale (possibly negative or positive infinity)., in the format start:end
  • Empty value after :: positive infinity
  • ~: negative infinity
  • @: if range starts with @, then alert if inside this range (including endpoints)


-w, -c OK if result is WARN/CRIT if
10 in (0..10) not in (0..10)
-10 in (-10..0) not in (-10..0)
10: in (10..inf) not in (10..inf)
: in (0..inf) not in (0..inf)
~:10 in (-inf..10) not in (-inf..10)
10:20 in (10..20) not in (10..20)
@10:20 not in (10..20) in 10..20
@~:20 not in (-inf..20) in (-inf..20)
@ not in (0..inf) in (0..inf)

Command, Parameters and Arguments

Shell commands like ./file-age --filename='/tmp/*' have two basic parts:

  • Command name of the program to run (./file-age). May be followed by one or more options, which adjust the behavior of the command or what it will do.
  • Options/Parameters normally start with one or two dashes to distinguish them from arguments (parameter --filename, value '/tmp/*'). They adjust the behavior of the command. Parameters may be short (-w) or long (--warning). We prefer and often offer only the long version.

Many shell commands may also be followed by one or more arguments, which often indicate a target that the command should operate upon (useradd linus for example) . This does not apply to the check-plugins.

To avoid problems when passing parameter values that start with a -, the command line call must look like this:

  • Long parameters: ./file-age --warning=-60:3600 (use --param=value instead of --param value).
  • Short parameters: ./file-age -w-60:3600 (so simply not putting any space nor escaping it in any special way).

Python 3 vs Python 2

All check plugins are available for Python 3.6+, and most of them also for Python 2.7. The Python 2 check plugins have the suffix "2" (for example cpu-usage2), the Python 3 plugins have the suffix "3" (for example cpu-usage3).

The Python 3-based check plugins use #!/usr/bin/env python3, while the Python 2-based check plugins use #!/usr/bin/env python2 explicitly.

We stopped maintaining the Python 2-based plugins on 2021-12-31.

Icinga Director

For a single Plugin

For each check, we provide an Icinga Director Basket that contains at least the Command definition and a matching Service Template (for example, check-plugins/cpu-usage/icingaweb2-module-director/cpu-usage.json). Import this via the WebGUI using Icinga Director > Configuration Baskets > Upload, select the latest entry in the Snapshots tab and restore it.

Alternatively, you can manually configure the plugin as follows.

Create a command for "cpu-usage" in Icinga Director > Commands > Commands:

  • Click "+Add", choose Command type: Plugin Check Command
  • Command name: cmd-check-cpu-usage
  • Command: /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/cpu-usage
  • Timeout: set it according to hints in the check's README (usually 10 seconds)
  • Click the "Add" button

Tab "Arguments":

  • Run /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/cpu-usage --help to get a list of all arguments.
  • Create those you want to be customizable:
    • Argument name --always-ok, Value type: String, Condition (set_if): $cpu_usage_always_ok$
    • Argument name --count, Value type: String, Value: $cpu_usage_count$
    • Argument name --critical, Value type: String, Value: `$cpu_usage_critical$
    • Argument name --warning, Value type: String, Value: `$cpu_usage_warning$

Tab "Fields":

  • Label "CPU Usage: Count", Field name "cpu_usage_count", Mandatory "n"
  • Label "CPU Usage: Critical", Field name "cpu_usage_critical", Mandatory "n"
  • Label "CPU Usage: Warning", Field name "cpu_usage_warning", Mandatory "n"

Now use this command within a Service Template, a Service Set and/or a Single Service.

Linuxfabrik's Director Configuration

To use our Icinga Director Configuration including Host Templates, Notifcation Templates and Service Sets, you can generate a single Basket file.

If you are using our Fork of the Icinga Director, you can use the following command:


If not, generate a Basket without guids:

./tools/basket-join --without-guids

Import the resulting icingaweb2-module-director-basket.json via the WebGUI using Icinga Director > Configuration Baskets > Upload, select the latest entry in the Snapshots tab and restore it.


There are two options to import the Grafana dashboards. You can either import them via the WebGUI or use provisioning.

When importing via the WebGUI simply import the plugin-name.grafana-external.json file.

If you want to use provisioning, take a look at Grafana Provisioning. Beware that you also need to provision the datasources if you want to use provisioning for the dashboards.

If you want to create a custom dashboards that contains a different selection of panels, you can do so using the tools/grafana-tool utility.

# interactive usage
./tools/grafana-tool assets/grafana/all-panels-external.json
./tools/grafana-tool assets/grafana/all-panels-provisioning.json

# for more options, see
./tools/grafana-tool --help

Reporting Issues

For now, there are two ways:

  1. Submit an issue (preferred).
  2. Contact us by email or web form and describe your problem.


More than 130 check plugins for Icinga and other Nagios-compatible monitoring applications. Each plugin is a standalone command line tool (written in Python) that provides a specific type of check.



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  • Python 99.9%
  • Other 0.1%