Visual Studio Code AutoCompleter Extension for Psych Engine Modding API!
- Function/Event/Variable auto completing
- Warnings for deprecated functions
- Hovers with documentation
- API data is downloaded from the GitHub repository instead of being grabbed from local storage.
- Functional Haxe completion!
- Completion for Friday Night Funkin v0.3.0 Modding API
- Download the .vsix file from the latest release
- Open Visual Studio Code and select Extensions from the left bar
- At the top of Extensions menu click on three dots and select "Install From VSIX..."
- In the Install from VSIX window select downloaded .vsix file
- Restart Visual Studio Code
- Optionally you can change the targetted engine in File/Preferences/Settings/Extensions/Funkin Script AutoComplete/Lua Engine
- *.lua - Any other Lua based FNF Engine, like Psych Engine
- *.hxc - V-Slice (FNF v0.3.0) Scripts, they should always begin with a upper case (Experimental Mode)
- Enable this extension in a file:
(only iffunkinVSCode.enableOnlyOnCertainScripts
setting is on) - Set FNF engine for this file:
- Disable deprecated warnings for specific function on this file:
---@diagnostic disable: {funcs}
- Disable deprecated warnings for specific function on next line:
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: {funcs}
Report bugs and contribute to this extension on Github
Any pull requests are appreciated, feel free to Pull Request any missing engines, functions or variables!
If you want to add another engine to this extension make a json file in data/ called something like "piss-engine_data.json", this data file should be based of any *_data.json
NOTE : If you don't know how to install dependencies use npm install
You should manually add/change documentation
value (if documentation
is "Needs documentation", "" or doesn't exist) and a returns
value (if returns
is "???" or doesn't exist)
If a function is deprecated add "deprecated": "deprecated message here"
to the function
- Install npm
- Clone this repo with
git clone
(must be in empty folder) - To install all the libraries run
npm install
- And to compile run
npm run build