Published project on GitHub Pages you can find here.
The app has 5 components: Header
, Calculator
, Display
, History
, Keypad
and 2 pages: Home
, Settings
The Header
component displays the application header and navigation.
The Calculator
component is a root element for calculator data management (logic for storing history, operations, current state, etc.).
The Display
component shows calculator input, expressions and history.
The History
component renders a list of previously performed operations.
The Keypad
component is used to enter operands and perform various operations on those operands.
The same components were implemented using a class-based and functional approach (the class-based approach was used for better understanding and making it easier to work with possible legacy projects).
page was made for all calculation operations, while Settings
page was developed for Theme switching and "Clean All" operation.
Error handling is provided by Error boundary.
In this project I mastered:
- React hooks and React classes
- Redux (including Redux-saga, Redux-persist)
- "Command" design pattern
- styled-components
- Cypress (for e2e tests)
- aliases using
- theme change
- calculation history managing
- ESLint
- Yarn package manager
You can run this project locally just do:
- git clone
- cd calculator
- yarn install
- yarn dev