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Invoice plugin for Kill Bill to apply simple tax rules to invoice items.


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EasyTax plugin

‼️ Note we are no longer using Kill Bill at SolarNetwork, so will no longer be maintaining this project.

Kill Bill tax plugin for simple region based tax systems. It works by allowing tax rates to be defined at the following granularity:

  • a tax zone that represents a region or group of tax rules, for example a country code like NZ
  • a product that matches the Kill Bill product name of a taxable invoice item
  • a tax code that represents a tax type, for example GST
  • a validity date range that restricts a tax rate to a specific date range; ranges can be defined with a start and end date or just a start date

Based on these attributes, any number of tax rates can be applied to invoice items. The EasyTax plugin uses configurable tax zone and tax date resolvers to determine the tax zone and tax date to use for a given invoice item. Any tax rate that matches the resolved attribute values will be applied and added as tax invoice items.

Kill Bill compatibility

Plugin version Kill Bill version
0.1.y 0.18.z
2.x.y 0.22.z


The plugin needs a database. The latest version of the schema can be found here. The easytax_tax_codes table holds the tax rates, and can be maintained manually or via the REST API exposed by the plugin. The easytax_taxations table is populated by the plugin itself, and keeps track of which invoice items have been taxed.


The following global properties can be configured; note that all properties are prefixed with org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.:

  • taxScale: the scale to use for calculated tax invoice items; defaults to 2 (see Tax Rounding for more details)

  • taxRoundingMode: the java.math.RoundingMode to use for calculated tax invoice items: one of CEILING, DOWN, FLOOR, HALF_DOWN, HALF_EVEN, HALF_UP, or UP; defaults to HALF_UP (see Tax Rounding for more details)

  • taxZoneResolver: the fully qualified class name that implements the org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.api.EasyTaxTaxZoneResolver API, and is responsible for resolving the taxZone to use when calculating tax for invoice items; the default is org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.core.AccountCustomFieldTaxZoneResolver which looks for a taxZone custom field on the account owning the invoice (see Account Custom Field Tax Zone Resolver for more details)

  • taxDateResolver: the fully qualified class name that implements the org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.api.EasyTaxTaxDateResolver API, and is responsible for resolving the date to use when calculating tax for invoice items; the default is org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.core.SimpleTaxDateResolver which looks for the end date of the invoice item by default (see Simple Tax Date Resolver for more details)

See Account Custom Field Tax Zone Resolver settings and Simple Tax Date Resolver settings for more configuration details.

Per tenant configuration

These properties can be specified globally via System Properties or on a per tenant basis:

curl -X POST \
     -u admin:password \
     -H 'X-Killbill-ApiKey: bob' \
     -H 'X-Killbill-ApiSecret: lazar' \
     -H 'X-Killbill-CreatedBy: admin' \
     -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
     -d 'org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.taxScale = 2
org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.taxRoundingMode = HALF_UP
org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.taxZoneResolver = org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.core.AccountCustomFieldTaxZoneResolver
org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.taxDateResolver = org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.core.SimpleTaxDateResolver
org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.accountCustomFieldTaxZoneResolver.useAccountCountry = true
org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.simpleTaxDateResolver.dateMode = EndThenStart
org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.simpleTaxDateResolver.defaultTimeZone = UTC
org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.simpleTaxDateResolver.fallBackToInvoiceDate = true
org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.simpleTaxDateResolver.fallBackToInvoiceItemCreatedDate = true
org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.simpleTaxDateResolver.fallBackToInvoiceCreatedDate = true' \


The plugin exposes a /plugins/killbill-easytax/taxCodes/{taxZone}/{productName}/{taxCode} endpoint for maintaining the tax rates. The path variables are generally optional, and are used to restrict the action to a more selective set of rates. The endpoint supports the following methods:

  • GET: query for a list of available tax rates. A validNow=true parameter can also be provided to restrict the results to just those whose valid date range includes the current date. A validDate=YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZZZ parameter can also be provided to restrict the results to a specific date, using any valid ISO8601 formatted date.
  • POST: save one or more tax rates (see format below). A single rate can be added if all path variables are provided; otherwise a list of rates is assumed. Rates will be updated if the tax zone, product name, tax code, and valid from dates match, so the valid to date can be easily adjusted when a tax rate changes.
  • DELETE: delete one or more tax rates.


The DELETE and POST requests require an authenticated user with the catalog:config_upload permission.

Tax rate JSON syntax

A tax rate object looks like this:

  "created_date"    : "2010-10-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "tenant_id"       : "3e266fd5-50e8-4123-88ed-f9f0f2e6fa16",
  "tax_zone"        : "NZ",
  "product_name"    : "PostedDatumMetrics",
  "tax_code"        : "GST",
  "tax_rate"        : "0.15",
  "valid_from_date" : "2000-10-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "valid_to_date"   : "2010-10-01T00:00:00.000Z"

The *_date properties are expressed as ISO8601 dates. Only the valid_to_date property may be null. The plugin accepts any valid ISO8601 date on requests, including any time zone offset; when responding the dates will always be formatted in the UTC time zone as shown above.

Example GET request

To query for tax rates that apply to the PostedDatumMetrics product on 1 Oct 2010 in the Pacific/Auckland time zone, you could make a request like:

curl -X GET \
     -u admin:password \
     -H 'X-Killbill-ApiKey: bob' \
     -H 'X-Killbill-ApiSecret: lazar' \
     -H 'X-Killbill-CreatedBy: admin' \

which would return results like:

    "created_date": "2017-09-14T05:33:27.000Z",
    "tenant_id": "3e266fd5-50e8-4123-88ed-f9f0f2e6fa16",
    "tax_zone": "NZ",
    "product_name": "PostedDatumMetrics",
    "tax_code": "GST",
    "tax_rate": "0.150000000",
    "valid_from_date": "2010-09-30T11:00:00.000Z"

Note how the validDate query parameter was expressed in Pacific/Auckland time, while the response is in UTC. Also note the response does not include a valid_to_date, which indicates that tax rate is in effect for any date on or after the valid_from_date.

You could also use the ?validNow=true request parameter as a shortcut for finding the effective tax rates for the current time.

Example POST request

To upload tax rates in bulk, a request like the following could be used to represent a single tax code GST on a PostedDatumMetrics product whose rate changed on 1 Oct 2010 from 12.5% to 15% and has not changed since then:

curl -X POST \
     -u admin:password \
     -H 'X-Killbill-ApiKey: bob' \
     -H 'X-Killbill-ApiSecret: lazar' \
     -H 'X-Killbill-CreatedBy: admin' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
     -d $'[
    "tax_zone": "NZ",
    "product_name": "PostedDatumMetrics",
    "tax_code": "GST",
    "tax_rate": "0.125",
    "valid_from_date": "1999-01-01T00:00:00+13:00",
    "valid_to_date": "2010-10-01T00:00:00+13:00"
    "tax_zone": "NZ",
    "product_name": "PostedDatumMetrics",
    "tax_code": "GST",
    "tax_rate": "0.15",
    "valid_from_date": "2010-10-01T00:00:00+13:00"
]' \

Example DELETE request

To delete all tax rates that apply to the PostedDatumMetrics product in the NZ tax zone, you could make a request like:

curl -X DELETE \
     -u admin:password \
     -H 'X-Killbill-ApiKey: bob' \
     -H 'X-Killbill-ApiSecret: lazar' \
     -H 'X-Killbill-CreatedBy: admin' \

EasyTax tax calculation details

When this plugin examines an invoice, it looks for all invoice items that could be taxed (for example are not already tax items) and attempts to resolve a set of tax rates to apply to those items. To resolve the tax rates, it must determine the following attributes to match against the easytax_tax_codes table:

  1. tax zone - compared to the tax_zone column
  2. product name - compared to the product_name column
  3. tax date - compared as greater or equal than the valid_from_date and less than the valid_to_date column; a NULL valid_to_date is considered as infinitely in the future

Once the tax zone, product name, and tax date are resolved for an invoice item, the plugin queries the easytax_tax_codes table for all matching records, and adds new tax invoice items for each record, using the associated tax_rate values.

Tax rounding

When calculating the tax values, the results are rounded using the taxScale and taxRoundingMode configuration properties. The scale value determines how many places after the value's decimal point to round to, and the rounding mode determines the rounding rule to use. The default settings used by EasyTax are:

Setting Default
scale 2
mode HALF_UP

The rounding modes are taken directly from the java.math.RoundingMode class.

Account Custom Field Tax Zone Resolver

This tax zone resolver looks for a taxZone custom field set on the account that owns the invoice. If found, that value will be used as the tax zone when calculating tax. If a custom field is not found, and the easyTaxTaxZoneResolver.useAccountCountry configuration property is true (the default value), then this resolver will use the country of the account that owns the invoice.

Account Custom Field Tax Zone Resolver settings

  • accountCustomFieldTaxZoneResolver.useAccountCountry: boolean flag to fall back to using an account's country as a tax zone, if no taxZone custom field is available

Simple Tax Date Resolver

This tax date resolver can be configured based using a date mode that specifies what date to use for invoice items. Consider a subscription item with a start and end date -- the date mode determines which one to use for the purposes of finding the tax rates to apply. The resolver can then fall back to other dates when invoice items don't have the preferred date.

Date Mode Description
End Use the item's end date.
EndThenStart Use the item's end date, falling back to the start date.
Invoice Use the invoice date.
Start Use the item's start date.
StartThenEnd Use the item's start date, falling back to the end date.

If a date cannot be resolved using the date mode, then there are three more fallback options available, which are considered in the following order such that the first available date is used:

Fallback Description
Invoice date Use the invoice date.
Invoice item creation date The creation date of the invoice item.
Invoice creation date The creation date of the invoice.
Current date The current date of the system.

The item start/end and invoice dates are expressed as local dates, and thus will be resolved into an absolute date using the time zone of the account that owns the invoice. If a time zone is not available on the account, a fallback will be used (see the simpleTaxDateResolver.defaultTimeZone below).

Simple Tax Date Resolver settings

  • simpleTaxDateResolver.dateMode: the date mode to use, as outlined in the table above; defaults to EndThenStart

  • simpleTaxDateResolver.defaultTimeZone: a default time zone to use for resolving the item start, item end, and invoice dates into absolute dates if the associated account does not have a time zone available; defaults to UTC

  • simpleTaxDateResolver.fallBackToInvoiceDate: boolean flag to allow falling back to using the invoice date if the date mode rules don't resolve a date

  • simpleTaxDateResolver.fallBackToInvoiceItemCreatedDate: boolean flag to allow falling back to using the invoice item creation date if the date mode rules don't resolve a date

  • simpleTaxDateResolver.fallBackToInvoiceItemCreatedDate: boolean flag to allow falling back to using the invoice item creation date if the date mode rules don't resolve a date

  • simpleTaxDateResolver.fallBackToInvoiceCreatedDate: boolean flag to allow falling back to using the invoice creation date if the date mode rules don't resolve a date


This section details some information useful when developing this plugin.

Generating jOOQ DAO classes

To generate the jOOQ classes in the org.killbill.billing.plugin.easytax.dao.gen package hierarchy, you must have a killbill MySQL database available with the src/main/resources/ddl.sql DDL loaded. A killbill user with password killbill must also be available. Then, run the following command:


Note that Java 8 must be used. You can set a JAVA_HOME environment variable if Java 8 is not the default runtime available, e.g.

JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_241.jdk/Contents/Home src/main/resources/


A command like the following is used to release the plugin:

mvn -Pjdk18 release:prepare -DreleaseProfiles=jdk18 -Darguments=-Dgpg.keyname=4BC94956

The GPG key used for signing is available on the MIT public server.


Invoice plugin for Kill Bill to apply simple tax rules to invoice items.







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