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Running list of all packages used in this build. This list needs to be cleaned, updated and some packages may have been removed in production. (This will eventually be scripted for easier reading)

xorg and xserver-xorg i3 window manager compton Hardware xrandr/arandr firmware-iwlwifi alsa-base alsa-utils pulseaudio pavumixer pasystray bluez/ bluez-tools/ bluetooth/ blueman cups cups-pdf system-config-printer simple-scan guvcview (for webcam) nvidia nvidia-detect nvidia-xconfig nvidia-settings Sudo/ Gksu rxvt-unicode Htop/ iotop/ iftop ntpdate etc xautolock openssh cifs-utils (smbclient) (samba ntfs-3g) git/ python-setuptools p7zip/ unzip Libpam-google-authenticator xfce4-power-manager node.js & npm runtime curl -sL | sudo -E bash - aptitude install nodejs applications archey/ neofetch (w3m-img/ imagemagick) nitrogen leafpad/vim/ vscode pcmanfm/ ranger GPicView/evince (pdf) clipit vlc?? scrot youtube-dl + ffmpeg libreoffice virtualbox sendemail transmission irssi evolution email gnome online accounts ?gnome control panel? firefox/ chrome Gimp gnome-maps Bleachbit shc (Generic shell script compiler) Gdebi network-manager-gnome (nm-applet) openvpn network-manager-openvpn gadmin-openvpn-client gnome-nettool gnome-disk-utility/ disk-manager lxappearance Glances/ psensor/ lm-sensor/ hddtemp/ acpi hardinfo rhythmbox/ tray icon see github audacity Remmina Gcalculator speedtest-cli Goobook ddclient gnome keyring guvcview lightdm/ lightDM-gtk-greeter /lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings gsmartcontrol file-roller isomaster/ brasero clamav etc clonezilla Gufw etc android tools* android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot cowsay tty-clock Slurm Tree Ipcalc Gnu stow Powershell

Global i3wm Color Scheme

211 218 227 arc text 56 60 74 arc dark 64 69 82 arc base 47 52 63 arc black 82 148 226 arc blue 228 94 94 arc red 0 55 145 PS4 DARK BLUE 236 136 110 amber 104 109 121 set grey

TEXT set $clr-text #D3DAE3 BASE GREY set $clr-base #404552 ARC DARK set $clr-dark #383C4A ARC BLACK set $clr-black #2F343F ARC BLUE set $clr-blue #4084D6 ARC RED set $clr-red #E45E5E PS4 BLUE set $clr-ps4 #003791 AMBER set $clr-amber #FFBF00 SET GREY set $clr-grey #686d79


Debian stable and i3wm workstation






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