This is a small Rust program to convert temperature units, from the practice exercise suggestion in the Control Flow chapter of the rust book.
To use the program, simply type in a number for the temperature you'd like to convert and provide a unit for said temperature. It will return the that temperature in celcius, farenheit, kelvin, and rankine.
Given that this was really only intended to be a programming exercise, I don't intend on maintaining this repository long term and making it robust. There are plenty of Rust libraries out there that implement this functionality better than I do. That said, I do plan on improving it over time as my skill in Rust improves for better implementation. I also thought I might as well make it public as a sort of timeline of my skill in rust, should I continue improving it. And it is available under GPL3 so that if any of the code happens to be useful to someone, it can be used freely.