Application Module Library (modlib) is an SDK designed to simplify and streamline the process of creating end-to-end applications for the IMX500 vision sensor.
make setup
Unit-tests are included in the corresponding
folder and can be exectued by running:make test
This also generates a corresponding coverage report.Linting corrections and checks (black, isort & flake8) by running:
make lint
One can create a wheel file of the Application Module Library by running:
make build
The generated wheel file located in the /dist
folder can be used to install the library in you project environment.
Your virtual environment has some prerequisites and should enable system-site-packages. Example:
- Ensure that your Raspberry Pi runs the latest software:
sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo apt install imx500-all
sudo apt install python3-opencv python3-munkres python3-picamera2
Reboot if needed.
- Create your project virtual environment and install modlib.
python -m venv .venv --system-site-packages
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install modlib-<version>-py3-none-any.whl
As a basic example let's demonstrate the usage of the Raspberry Pi AiCamera device using a pre-trained SSDMobileNetV2FPNLite320x320 model.
Create a new file
with the following content.
from modlib.apps import Annotator
from modlib.devices import AiCamera
from modlib.models.zoo import SSDMobileNetV2FPNLite320x320
device = AiCamera()
model = SSDMobileNetV2FPNLite320x320()
annotator = Annotator(thickness=1, text_thickness=1, text_scale=0.4)
with device as stream:
for frame in stream:
detections = frame.detections[frame.detections.confidence > 0.55]
labels = [f"{model.labels[class_id]}: {score:0.2f}" for _, score, class_id, _ in detections]
annotator.annotate_boxes(frame, detections, labels=labels)
- Run the example, and make sure the Application Module Library is installed in your environment.
. .venv/bin/activate && python
Note that the Application Module Library API allows you to create custom Models and combine any network.rpk with your own custom post_processing function. More information in docs > getting_started >
Release tags must be of the format "\d+.\d+.\d+" example "1.0.4".
Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation assumes no responsibility for applications created using this library. Use of the library is entirely at the user's own risk.
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