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sample code for heatmap application using Cloud SDK for Python


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Heat Map: Sample Application on AITRIOS



This repository provides sample code for heatmap application using Cloud SDK for Python, as well as configuration files for building a development environment. This application retrieves Human detection model metadata from Console and determines where people were concentrated.




Get started

Build an environment and get started with the demo application

  1. Clone or fork this application in your GitHub environment.
  2. Click the + button to create a codespace on the GitHub environment. See how to create a codespace.

Note Please select a machine type with 16 cores and 32GB of RAM for smooth operation of the application.

  1. Run the demo application using the following command
    python src/
  2. (Optional) Run the demo application with a custom configuration using the following command
    python src/ --config_path /path/to/yaml

The overlay video and count values of each grid in the heatmap for each frame can be obtained in JSON format using this application.


1. Prepare your device to run inference

To run this application using data inferred from an actual device, it is necessary to set up the device first.

Step 1-1: Setup the inference device

Before running this application, you need to complete account setup, environment setup, AI model preparation, and device deployment.

See Development guides Get started for details.

Note You need to import a Human Detection AI model created with Custom Vision and corresponding PPL.

Step 1-2: Set the Command Parameter file

The Command Parameter file must be set appropriately. Here is an example of parameter settings:

    "commands" : [
            "parameters": {
                "Mode": 1,
                "NumberOfImages": 0,
                "UploadInterval": 100,
                "ModelId": "SampleApp-HumanDetection",
                "PPLParameter": {
                    "header": {
                        "id": "00",
                        "version": "01.01.00"
                    "dnn_output_detections" : 64,
                    "max_detections" : 5,
                    "threshold" : 0.1,
                    "input_width" : 320,
                    "input_height" : 320 

Step 1-3: Start inference and confirm data acquisition

When the device and parameters are ready, turn on the Get Inference Data toggle in Console to start inference. Since NumberOfImages is 0, data will continue to be captured until the button is pressed again. After that, check whether the data has been acquired with Check data on Console.

See Console User Manual for details.

2. Set configuration parameters to start the sample application

There are several configuration files that need to be set up properly for this application to work. Here, you will learn how to set those parameters step by step.

Step 2-1: Choose input data

This application can input data not only from Console for AITRIOS but also from local sources. You have to edit the data_source_settings section in config\heat_map_app.yaml in the codespace or the environment where the repository was cloned. Here, we will explain 4 input patterns. If you do not use image data, the overlay video will not be included in the output data.

Case 1: Use images and metadata from Console

First, the mode parameter must be set to "console" to get data from Console. You also need to set the sub_directory_name parameter to the directory name that contains the target images. For that, you may need to actually check the Console screen to see which directory the image you want is in.

The minimum required parameters are as follows.

  • mode: "console"
  • setting_path: The path to config/console_access_settings.yaml
  • device_id: Your Device ID
  • sub_directory_name: The name of the subdirectory where the target images are stored
  • number_of_images: The maximum number of images to get

The following parameters are optional, but highly recommended, especially if you have a large number of images stored on Console.

  • first_timestamp: The earliest timestamp of the target data in string format or ""(empty string)
  • last_timestamp: The latest timestamp of the target data in string format or ""(empty string)

Either first_timestamp or last_timestamp must be set. Here are the setting values for first_timestamp and last_timestamp, and the corresponding behaviors.

first_timestamp last_timestamp Behavior
"yyyyMMddHHmmssfff" "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff" Get up to number_of_inference_results counted from the latest metadata from first_timestamp to last_timestamp
"yyyyMMddHHmmssfff" "" Get up to number_of_inference_results counted from the latest metadata from first_timestamp to 10 hours after first_timestamp
"" "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff" Get up to number_of_inference_results counted from the latest metadata before last_timestamp
"" "" Raise Value Error

Here is an example.

  mode: "console"
    setting_path: "./config/console_access_settings.yaml" # Required
    device_id: "__device_id__"                            # Required
    sub_directory_name: "__sub_directory_name__"          # Required
    first_timestamp: "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"                  # Can be invalid if last_timestamp is not empty
    last_timestamp: "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"                   # Can be invalid if first_timestamp is not empty
    number_of_inference_results: 20                       # Not used
    number_of_images: 20                                  # Required
    video_file: "__path_to_video_file__"                  # Not used
    meta_file: "__path_to_csv_meta_file__"                # Not used

Note This application has a restriction that number_of_images must be less than or equal to 256.

Note Images are loaded from earliest. This application will retrieve up to number_of_images of the most earliest images within the time period between first_timestamp and last_timestamp. This behavior can be controlled by the order_by parameter of get_images API, which is defaultly specified as "ASC" in this application.

Case 2: Use only metadata from Console

Note The overlay video will not be output in this case.

The sub_directory_name parameter must be set to ""(empty string) in this case. Also, you can specify a range of metadata to be acquired by the first_timestamp and last_timestamp parameters.

The minimum required parameters are as follows.

  • mode: "console"
  • setting_path: The path to config/console_access_settings.yaml
  • device_id: Your Device ID
  • sub_directory_name: ""
  • first_timestamp: The earliest timestamp of the target metadata in string format or ""(empty string)
  • last_timestamp: The latest timestamp of the target metadata in string format or ""(empty string)
  • number_of_inference_results: The maximum number of metadata to get

number_of_inference_results must be set to a value greater than or equal to 1. Here are the setting values for first_timestamp and last_timestamp, and the corresponding behaviors.

first_timestamp last_timestamp Behavior
"yyyyMMddHHmmssfff" "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff" Get up to number_of_inference_results counted from the latest metadata from first_timestamp to last_timestamp
"yyyyMMddHHmmssfff" "" Get up to number_of_inference_results counted from the latest metadata from first_timestamp to now
"" "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff" Get up to number_of_inference_results counted from the latest metadata before last_timestamp
"" "" Get up to number_of_inference_results from the latest metadata

Here is an example.

  mode: "console"
    setting_path: "./config/console_access_settings.yaml" # Required
    device_id: "__device_id__"                            # Required
    sub_directory_name: ""  # Set to an empty string to skip loading images.
    first_timestamp: "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"                  # Can be invalid
    last_timestamp: "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"                   # Can be invalid
    number_of_inference_results: 20                       # Required
    number_of_images: 20                                  # Not used
    video_file: "__path_to_video_file__"                  # Not used
    meta_file: "__path_to_csv_meta_file__"                # Not used
Case 3: Use local video and metadata

Note The parameters in console_data_settings are ignored in this case.

You can directly input a video and metadata without Console. You have to prepare the video in MP4 format and the metadata in CSV format. See the CSV format for details

The minimum required parameters are as follows.

  • mode: "local"
  • video_path: The path to the local video
  • meta_file: The path to the local metadata

Here is an example.

  mode: "local"
    setting_path: "./config/console_access_settings.yaml" # Not used
    device_id: "__device_id__"                            # Not used
    sub_directory_name: "__sub_directory_name__"          # Not used
    first_timestamp: "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"                  # Not used
    last_timestamp: "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"                   # Not used
    number_of_inference_results: 20                       # Not used
    number_of_images: 20                                  # Not used
    video_file: "./input/sample.mp4"                      # Required
    meta_file: "./input/sample.csv"                       # Required
Case 4: Use only local metadata

Note The parameters in console_data_settings are ignored in this case. The overlay video will not be output in this case.

  • mode: "local"
  • video_path: "" (empty string)
  • meta_file: The path to the local metadata

Here is an example.

  mode: "local"
    setting_path: "./config/console_access_settings.yaml" # Not used
    device_id: "__device_id__"                            # Not used
    sub_directory_name: "__sub_directory_name__"          # Not used
    first_timestamp: "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"                  # Not used
    last_timestamp: "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"                   # Not used
    number_of_inference_results: 20                       # Not used
    number_of_images: 20                                  # Not used
    video_file: ""    # Set to an empty string to skip loading images.
    meta_file: "./input/sample.csv"                       # Required

(Only for Case 1 and Case 2) Edit console_access_settings.yaml

You have to edit console_access_settings.yaml to log in to Console.

  console_endpoint: "__console_endpoint__"
  portal_authorization_endpoint: "__portal_authorization_endpoint__"
  client_secret: "__client_secret__"
  client_id: "__client_id__"

See the Portal user manual for details.

Step 2-2: Set application parameters

Step 2-2-1: Edit heat_count_settings

In heat_map_app.yaml, set param_file to the path of the configration file used for heatmap processing.

  param_file: "./config/default_param.yaml"
Step 2-2-2: Set heatmap algorithm parameters

You can adjust heatmap parameters according to your own environment. The following is an example. See the Specifications for details.

number_of_add_grid : 1
last_valid_frame : 15
image_size_h : 1920
image_size_v : 1080
grid_num_h : 192
grid_num_v : 108
bbox2pix : false

Step 2-3: Edit output parameters

In output_settings of heat_map_app.yaml, edit output parameters. The detection result json files and overlay video are stored accordingly. If you do not input image data, only the detection result json files will be output. The following is an example.

  • output_dir: The path to the directory to store the output results
  • output_video_fps: The frame rate of the overlay video
  • output_video_width: The width of the overlay video
  • output_video_height: The height of the overlay video

See the Specifications for more information on other parameters.

  output_dir: "output"
  output_video_fps: 2
  output_video_width: 300
  output_video_height: 300
  cmap: "Reds"
  cbar: false     # true or false
  min: 0
  max: 15
  overlay: true     # true or false
  transparency: 0.4


Algorithm and parameters

This application makes a heatmap that shows the crowded state of people using the results of human detection in multiple frames.

There are two blocks that create heatmaps: Grid Counting Block and HeatMap Block.

Grid Counting Block

Grid Counting Block creates a grid showing how many people were in each cell during a given time period.

This block adds the location information of detected people to each cell of the grid. The coarseness of the grid can be set by the user. Furthermore, the block has the capability to transform the bounding box into coordinates assuming a person's head position and then add them to the grid map. In this case, a heatmap reflecting the head position can be created.

When adding human detection results, the addition range can be extended with the number_of_add_grid parameter. Increase this parameter if you need more people's influence areas in the heatmap. The number of frames to add to the grid can be set with the last_valid_frame parameter, extend this value if you need to consider the influence of past frames.

Parameter Explanation Range
number_of_add_grid Surrounding grid range to add 0~
last_valid_frame Number of frames accumulated over time 0~
image_size_h Input image size (horizontal) 0~
image_size_v Input image size (vertical) 0~
grid_num_h Number of grids (horizontal) 0~
grid_num_v Number of grids (vertical) 0~
bbox2pix Conversion heatmap input data from bbox to single point coordinates bool

Note that the size of imeage_size_h(image_size_v) must be divisible by the number of grid_num_h(grid_num_v).

HeatMap Block

HeatMap block creates a heatmap showing human congestion based on the results of the gridmap. The heatmap is created using Matplotlib, which lets you adjust the colormap.

The heatmap can also be overlayed on the original image, which can be set with the overlay and transparency parameters.

Parameter Explanation Range
cmap Colormap type, see colormaps in Matplotlib string
cbar If cbar is set, the colorbar is added bool
min Minimum count value of the colormap 0~
max Maximum count value of the colormap 0~
overlay If overlay is set, the heatmap is overlayed on the original image bool
transparency Heatmap transparency, valid only when overlay is true 0.0~1.0

Design Diagram

This sample application (figure a) gets data not only through ConsoleDataLoader (figure b), but also through LocalDataLoader (figure c). ConsoleDataLoader loads images and metadata form Console using Console Access Library for Python. LocalDataLoader directly loads a mp4 video and metadata in CSV format.

HeatMap (figure d) makes a grid showing how many people were in each cell during a given time period, and then HeatMapOutput (figure e) makes a heatmap and saves the detection results and overlay video.



There are some tips for using this sample application more efficiently and effectively. See here for detals.

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