for BeamNG Modding
I was pretty unhappy with the official Jbeam editor for Blender so I'm making a simpler one with the tools i really need, unlike the official, this one supports Ctrl-Z as it works along with a standard blender mesh
any mesh can be non-destructively turned into a Jbeam-data-holder, it stores te JBeam data as vertex/edge attributes, currently the features are:
- Change selected nodes side (+left, +right, clear)
- Change selected nodes numbers (recount, replace, invert, increment, decrement), (use selection order when available)
- Change selected nodes prefix
- Assign node name directly on mesh vertices
- Copy selected vertex / edges as Nodes / Beams respectively in a Jbeam-ready text format so you can paste them there directly, (+ respecting selection order!)
- Ability to sort the selection before copying it to clipboard in 8 different modes: (node names must follow BeamNG node naming convention for automatic sorting to work)
L>R-Asc: Ascending numeral, blocks from Left to Right L>R-Desc: Descending numeral, blocks from Left to Right R>L-Asc: Ascending numeral, blocks from Right to Left R>L-Desc: Descending numeral, blocks from Right to Left Asc-L>R: Blocks from ascending numeral, Left to Right Desc-L>R: Blocks from descending numeral, Left to Right Asc-L>R: Blocks from ascending numeral, Right to Left Desc-L>R: Blocks from descending numeral, Right to Left
- 3 real-time visualization modes for nodes in all 3D views: Normal, Names, Normal+Names
- 1 real-time visualization mode for beams in all 3D views
- Customizable real-time visualization settings such as colors, sizes and xray
- duplicate node name / beam warning
- load existent .jbeam files
- collision tris