This workflow is a snakemake worklow that can be run in the backend of the PanExplorer web application.
It allows to perform a pan-genome analysis using published and annotated bacteria genomes, using different tools that can be invoked: Roary, PGAP, PanACoTA.
It provides a presence/absence matrix of genes, an UpsetR Diagram for synthetizing the matrix information and a COG assignation summary for each strain.
- Alexis Dereeper (IRD)
Using a singularity container, the only dependency you will need is singularity.
This singularity image (panexplorer.sif) already contains all dependencies required for running the workflow:
- Snakemake
- Roary
- Panaroo
- Panacota
- Minigraph/cactus
- PanGenome Graph Builder (PGGB)
- ncbi-blast+ (version BLAST 2.4.0+)
- R (version 4.2.0) and following packages:
- optparse :
- dendextend :
- svglite :
- heatmaply :
- gplots :
- UpSetR :
- optparse :
1- Git clone
git clone
2- Define the PANEX_PATH environnement variable
cd PanExplorer_workflow
3- Get preformatted RPS-BLAST+ database of the CDD COG distribution
gunzip cddid.tbl.gz
tar -xzvf Cog_LE.tar.gz -C $PANEX_PATH/COG
mv cddid.tbl $PANEX_PATH/COG/cddid.tbl
4- Get the singularity container
singularity pull docker://dereeper/panexplorer_workflow:v2
Edit the configuration file config.yaml to list the Genbank identifiers of complete assembled and annotated genomes.
# Complete one of the following input data
# Remove the other lines if not needed
# Genbank accessions of assembly accession (GCA, GCF)
- GCA_001042775.1
- GCA_001021915.1
- GCA_022406815.1
# Path of genbank files
- data/
- data/
- data/
# Input genomes as fasta and annotation files in GFF format
# Only applied when using Orthofinder or PGGB workflows, starting from fasta and GFF
# To be used preferentially for eukaryotes
"fasta": "/share/banks/Oryza/sativa/japonica/MSU7/all.con"
"gff3": "/share/banks/Oryza/sativa/japonica/MSU7/all.gff3"
"name": "MSU7"
"fasta": "/share/banks/Oryza/sativa/japonica/kitaake/Oryza_sativa_japonica_Kitaake.assembly.fna"
"gff3": "/share/banks/Oryza/sativa/japonica/kitaake/Oryza_sativa_japonica_Kitaake.gff3"
"name": "kitaake"
"fasta": "/share/banks/Oryza/nivara/Oryza_nivara.assembly.fna"
"gff3": "/share/banks/Oryza/nivara/Oryza_nivara.gff3"
"name": "nivara"
identity: 80
It's best not to mix NCBI genomes with your own annotated genomes, to avoid biaises due to annotation method/software. Keep an homogeneous annotation procedure to feed the workflow.
For prokaryotes
Creating a pangenome using Roary
singularity exec panexplorer_workflow_v2.sif snakemake --cores 1 -s $PANEX_PATH/Snakemake_files/Snakefile_wget_roary_heatmap_upset_COG
Creating a pangenome using PanACoTA
singularity exec panexplorer_workflow_v2.sif snakemake --cores 1 -s $PANEX_PATH/Snakemake_files/Snakefile_wget_panacota_heatmap_upset_COG
Creating a pangenome graph using Minigraph/Cactus and derived pangenes matrix
singularity exec panexplorer_workflow_v2.sif snakemake --cores 1 -s $PANEX_PATH/Snakemake_files/Snakefile_wget_cactus_heatmap_upset_COG
Creating a pangenome graph using PanGenomeGraph Builder (PGGB) and derived pangenes matrix
singularity exec panexplorer_workflow_v2.sif snakemake --cores 1 -s $PANEX_PATH/Snakemake_files/Snakefile_wget_pggb_heatmap_upset_COG
For eukaryotes
Creating a pangenome using Orthofinder
singularity exec panexplorer_workflow_v2.sif snakemake --cores 1 -s $PANEX_PATH/Snakemake_files/Snakefile_orthofinder_heatmap_upset
In all cases, you should a new directory named "outputs" containing all output files.
In case of a pangenome graph analysis with PGGB, you will obtain vizualizations of the graph (using ODGI)
- 2D graph visualization : outputs/pggb_out/all_genomes.fa.lay.draw.png
- 1D graph visualization : outputs/pggb_out/all_genomes.fa.og.viz_multiqc.png
In all cases, it also includes:
- ANI (Average Nucleotide Identity) : outputs/fastani.out.svg
The heatmap chart generated from distances calculated based on the ANI values. ANI values are calcultaed using FastANI software.
- Presence/absence matrix of accessory genes: outputs/
Both gene clusters and samples have been ordered using a Hierarchical Clustering.
- Upset plot: outputs/upsetr.svg
An Upset plot is an alternative to the Venn Diagram used to deal with more than 3 sets. The total size of each set is represented on the left barplot. Every possible intersection is represented by the bottom plot, and their occurence is shown on the top barplot. Each row corresponds to a possible intersection: the filled-in cells show which set is part of an intersection.
- Rarefaction curve: outputs/rarefaction_curves.svg
The rarefaction curve (computed by micropan R package) is the cumulative number of gene clusters we can observe as more and more genomes are being considered.
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