Persist and rehydrate a redux store to remote and local storage.
yarn add redux-persist
- Add epic to
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-community/async-storage';
const remotePersistEpic = createRemotePersistEpic({
// used internally
getPersistState: (state) => state.persist,
remoteStorageFetchAjax: (action$, state$, { ajax }) => ajax({ url: '/fetch' }),
remoteStorageUpdateAjax: (payload) => (action$, state$, { ajax }) =>
ajax({ url: '/update', body: payload }),
handleAjaxError: (action$, errorAction) => (error, source) => of(errorAction(error)),
localStorageKey: 'myapp',
persistDebounceTime: 5000,
// select states which we want to persist
persistSelectors: {
'myapp-settings': (state) => state.settings,
'myapp-storereview': (state) => state.storeReview,
// select states which we want to rehydrate
rehydrateSelectors: {
'myapp-settings': (state) => state.settings,
'myapp-config': (state) => state.config,
'myapp-storereview': (state) => state.storeReview,
storage: AsyncStorage,
- Integrate reducers:
// configureStore.js
import { remotePersistInternalReducer, remotePersistReducer } from 'redux-remote-persist';
import config from './reducers/config';
import settings from './reducers/settings';
import storeReview from './reducers/storeReview';
// root reducer
const appReducer: any = combineReducers({
// remote persist reducers
config: remotePersistReducer({ key: 'myapp-config' }, config), // read-only state
settings: remotePersistReducer({ key: 'myapp-settings' }, settings),
// WARNING: use all lower case keys! e.g. 'myapp-storereview' (remote supports only all lowercase)
storeReview: remotePersistReducer({ key: 'myapp-storereview' }, storeReview),
// used internally by redux-remote-persist
persist: remotePersistInternalReducer,
- (optional) Use actions to hook into
import { actions } from 'redux-remote-persist';