Currently, we cannot maintain the project with our current capacity, so we decided to archive it. Use it at your own risk!
A simple tool to collect and process quite a few Web news from multiple sources.
WhatsNew is a tool written in Go which allows the definition and execution of pipelines for fetching news articles from the Web and processing them with various automated tools.
It's highly modular and customizable, and it comes with a standalone executable for running a predefined pipeline.
The default pipeline consists of a set of initial modules, or units, to fetch news articles from different Web sources: Atom/RSS feeds, Twitter, GDELT Project. The articles are normalized to a common representation, then they pass through a series of data-processing units.
The predefined data processing steps include various automated tasks, mostly powered by machine learning algorithms, such as: translation, different kinds of text classification, named entity extraction and geoparsing, text vectorization and duplicate detection, information extraction.
Many data processing units make use of services provided by the spaGO project, backed by publicly available machine learning models.
Different steps provide various degrees of customization. You can run only the parts of the system that you need, and you can write your own modules too.
The following diagram illustrates WhatsNew's architecture on a broad level. It represents the units of the predefined pipeline, together with other most relevant services and components, also showing some interactions between them.
The next image shows the fetching and processing data flow of the default pipeline:
The rest of this document is all about making sense out of those charts.
In the big picture, WhatsNew is a set of design decisions describing an optionally distributed system for collecting news articles from different Web sources and performing automated content analysis over them.
That might sound quite generic and abstract, but that's exactly the point. At least in principle, we, the authors, don't want to put too many constraints on which specific subsystems and technologies to use, and we especially want to keep maximum flexibility for the definition of the content analysis tasks.
More pragmatically, we chose a couple of essential components (namely, a database and a background job processing system) and defined a minimal set of entities (i.e. data structures stored on the database and exchanged between different jobs) for supporting those generic goals.
Then, we crafted some code, which happens to be in Go (golang). It can be considered a sort of "reference implementation" for collecting and analyzing news articles. It follows an opinionated, yet flexible, fetch-and-analyze pipeline that we find especially useful for many practical use cases.
WhatsNew is highly modular. The implemented functionalities come with various degrees of customization. You can use the whole implementation as it is, or as many or as few parts of it, just as it fits your needs.
Of course, you might need to perform specific tasks for manipulating or analyzing your data, which are not included in this implementation. If so, you can easily extend the system.
You can freely define new entities and allow them to refer to the existing ones, without fear of breaking the existing parts. You can also write your own code, virtually in any programming language, and make it perform the desired duties when needed. Or you can go as far as re-implementing some parts, or even the whole system, in another language, if that's what you need.
Over the span of many years, whether it was for fun or profit, we found ourselves countless times in need of a system capable of doing two things:
- periodically fetching frequently-updated content from various Web sources, mostly textual news articles from feeds, content aggregators or social media;
- performing various automated analysis tasks over the content, as soon as it is fetched, usually involving machine-learning components.
The desired requirements for the first point haven't changed too much in time. It might involve crawling the content of some Web pages to get the clean text of an article, or there might be the need for fetching data from specific APIs. But, all in all, after a reasonable effort, there we got some content.
The second point is more vague and demanding. Sometimes we just want to run short-lived experiments for testing a piece of software on our local machine. On other occasions, we need a stable distributed system running 24/7, fetching and processing large amounts of news.
Occasionally, a single piece of software is able to perform the desired analysis (natural language processing, parsing, text categorization, sentiment analysis, ...). More often, it's necessary to run separate analysis processes, either concurrently or following a specific order.
In any case, leaving aside the specific responsibility of each component, we are just looking for a generic system or framework acting like a "glue", putting all those parts together.
We evaluated various existing solutions, but none of them is working well for us. Don't read us wrong: there are plenty of clever and valuable tools out there! Yet, some of them are solving only a part of the whole problem. Other projects are well-capable, but just too big, too complex, or just painful to configure.
Being frequently out of time (and sometimes out of frustration), too often we relied upon a jumble of improvised scripts and cron jobs. After many trials and errors, we started recognizing some recurring patterns, which allowed us to clear our heads and clean up our code.
Eventually, we collected all the good parts together into a single coherent project. It is loosely modeled on our recurrent needs, but stays flexible for expansions and modifications.
We hope you can find it useful too!
The design's core concept is the definition of different executable units, or modules. Each of them is generically intended as a piece of executable code which performs a specific operation.
In the spirit of the Unix philosophy, we consider good practice keeping each unit as small and focused as possible. For example, one unit can be responsible for extracting the text content from a single Web page and store it somewhere, while another unit might read the extracted content to perform an automated text classification algorithm and store the result.
Each unit's execution might expect an input and produce an output, in a form or another. Most notably, a unit can also trigger the execution of one or more other units. This virtually allows the implicit definition of execution pipelines.
WhatsNew is released with a predefined set of units defining a pipeline for fetching textual news articles from different Web sources and performing various analysis operations on their content. In order to do this, we obviously had to make some implementation choices, where we tried to leave a great margin of flexibility.
For managing the execution of different units, we chose a background job processing system: Faktory. The open-source version is enough for running the default WhatsNew implementation. You can find good documentation on the Faktory Wiki. In The rest of this document we'll take for granted that at least the basic concepts are well known and understood.
Most of the predefined units of this project are just Faktory workers, which are able to execute specific jobs.
Of course, there must be a starting point somewhere, an initial trigger. Some units are simple commands, which can be executed manually, just once, or periodically, like cron jobs. While able to trigger new Faktory jobs, these units are not themselves workers. We define these simpler units tasks.
You can find the implementation for the available tasks and workers under
and pkg/workers
Tasks and workers must read and write data, somehow. For this we use a PostgreSQL relational database.
A set of domain-specific entities is defined as models in Go, using
the GORM ORM library. You can find them under
Additionally, some specific tasks and workers might require additional software or services, which will be examined separately.
Above all, Faktory and PostgreSQL are the absolutely minimum external requirements. They should be a reasonable choice: both are stable and well-known components which are easy to interface with almost every programming language.
WhatsNew is entirely implemented in Go, but it can be easily extended (or re-implemented) in any other language. Writing new tasks or workers is fairly simple.
If you'll make use of one or more predefined units of WhatsNew, you'll also have to adhere to the structure of the predefined entities, i.e. database tables and columns. Those entities and how they are expected to be handled are the most opinionated part of the whole system. Yet, they should be easy to extend as well. If some model or model's attribute (table or table's column) is not useful for you, you can usually just ignore it. If something you need is missing, the recommended approach is to create new models (tables) and let them refer to the existing ones, if needed.
The simplest way to use WhatsNew is running it as standalone command-line
tool. It can be built from the main file whatsnew.go
, or installed
running the go
go install
The command-line tool is also pre-built and distributed as Docker image:
docker pull specializedgeneralist/whatsnew
For more advanced and custom usages, if you are using Go as well, WhatsNew can be imported as package from your own projects. So you can run, for example:
go get -d
Then, you can make use of whatever you need from the subpackage pkg
nested subpackages).
The command-line tool can be considered a sort of reference implementation which shows the various capabilities of the system. At the same time, it provides an easy way to run a fully functional pipeline for fetching and analyzing news articles fetched from the Web.
Once the command has been built from source or installed, you can just run
whatsnew help
from your terminal to check if it works. It should print
some text describing the command's usage.
The tool allows the execution of different sub-commands. We'll call them
just commands, for simplicity, since the main whatsnew
command itself
is taken for granted.
Each command perform a specific operation. Most of them simply run a single task or worker.
All commands need a YAML configuration file. It shall contain general settings used by all units (e.g. how to connect to the database or to Faktory) as well as configurations for each specific task or worker.
The expected structure of the configuration file is described by the
JSON Schema that you can find at path
You can find a full configuration example in the file sample-config.yml
in the project's root folder.
Among other settings, the configuration for each task and worker allows the definition of a set of jobs to be pushed to Faktory upon successful execution. The sample configuration file is defined in such a way that all predefined units can run in a specific succession. This virtually implements a whole predefined data fetching and analysis pipeline, which will be described in the rest of this document.
The default execution pipeline starts with the execution of some initial tasks, which trigger new jobs, which in turn trigger other jobs, and so on.
In this section, we will describe all the available tasks and workers. They are expected to work well together, forming a whole coherent pipeline which is suitable for many common use cases. You must be aware that some units require the presence of data created by other units, but apart from that you are free to exclude units which are not useful for you. This can be done by simply changing some values from the configuration file.
The following content is mostly structured as a step-by-step tutorial. Once you know how everything works, you can come back later on and use it as a quick reference for most commands.
After providing correct values in the db
section from the configuration
file, you can run:
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml db create
This will create the database and all necessary tables.
WhatsNew can collect textual web articles from different sources. There are three predefined source types which work out-of-the-box:
- RSS and Atom Feeds
- Twitter (tweets from users' feeds or results of a text search)
- GDELT 2.0 translingual events (some events have a source URL, whose content can be crawled later)
You must provide your own list of sources for each desired type. You can insert them directly into the database, or use the built-in OpenAPI+gRPC service, described later on.
RSS/Atom feeds are represented by the Feed
model (pkg/models/feed.go
) and
correspond to the database table feeds
Twitter sources correspond to model TwitterSource
and database table
For GDELT events, you don't need to provide anything: the events will be just obtained with the little help of a library (SpecializedGeneralist/gdelt).
You can start by inserting a small initial set of sources, then you can change them, or add new ones, later on, at any moment.
Once some sources are defined, we can finally run the starting-point tasks, which will diligently do their work and then schedule new jobs for further processing.
Every command that starts a task or worker is expected to run "forever", unless a critical error occurs, or an interrupt or kill signal is sent to the process (in this case, it will try to stop gracefully, without leaving too much garbage around). It's absolutely fine to let each command run only for a few moments, while you are just experimenting. For a more serious and stable setup, you'll probably want to run the commands in background, as daemons, or containerized with Docker, Kubernetes etc.
Now, let's run some commands and see what they do.
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml schedule-feeds
The task loops through all database feeds
marked as enabled
and, for each
record, pushes new Faktory jobs, as configured in
It provides the Feed ID as job argument.
The sample configuration allows the task to push a feed-fetcher job for each source, which will actually read and process the feed's content.
Finally, it waits for the amount of time configured in
and repeats the process all over again.
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml schedule-twitter
The task loops through all twitter_sources
marked enabled
and, for each
record, pushes new Faktory jobs, as configured in
It provides the TwitterSource ID as job argument.
The sample configuration allows the task to push a twitter-scraper job for each source, which will read the tweets from the corresponding user's feed or text search.
Finally, it waits for the amount of time configured in
and repeats the whole process.
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml fetch-gdelt
This task reads new events from GDELT 2.0 translingual data file. For each new
event which has an associated source URL, it creates a new WebResource
(table web_resources
) associated to a GDELTEvent
(table gdelt_events
). For each of them, it pushes new Faktory jobs, as
configured in tasks.gdelt_fetcher.new_web_resource_jobs
It provides the WebResource ID as job argument.
The sample configuration allows the task to push a web-scraper job for each source, which will read the remote content of the page and extract the text.
Finally, it waits for the amount of time configured in
and repeats the whole process.
You can skip certain events by providing a white-list (list of good values to
accept) of EventRootCode
values, in the configuration setting
To learn more about this, please refer to GDELT documentation
(GDELT Event Codebook
might be especially useful).
If everything goes well, the commands above should have pushed new jobs to Faktory. We can now execute the processes in charge of actually performing those scheduled jobs. WhatsNew command-line tool lets you run each single predefined worker with a single dedicated (sub-)command, just like we did with the tasks.
As said before, each command is expected to run "forever" and handles graceful termination in case of errors or signals.
All workers partially share similar configuration settings. For each worker
*here generically called <worker-name>
) the setting
defines a list of queues (usually just one)
from where the worker should pull jobs to perform (this setting is provided
as it is to Go field faktory_worker.Manager.Concurrency
Apart from few exceptions, many workers are expected to run concurrently.
In these cases, the setting workers.<worker-name>.concurrency
defines how
many concurrent jobs are allowed to run in a single process (this setting
corresponds to Go field faktory_worker.Manager.Concurrency
Following a somewhat logical order, let's describe the commands to run each worker.
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml fetch-feeds
Each job processed by this worker expects a Feed ID argument.
First, it attempts to recognize the language from the Feed's title.
If the language is recognized successfully, and it is included in the
setting workers.feed_fetcher.language_filter
, then a new WebResource record
is created, also associated to a new FeedItem
(table feed_items
Upon success, for each new WebResource it pushes new Faktory jobs, as
configured by workers.feed_fetcher.new_web_resource_jobs
It provides the WebResource ID as job argument.
The sample configuration allows the worker to push a web-scraper job for each new WebResource, which will read the remote content from the Feed's URL and extract the text.
Assuming that the Feed's items provide a well-formatted and reliable
publishing date (which sadly is not always the case), you can
skip items which are too old, according to a date-time that you can configure
with the setting workers.feed_fetcher.omit_items_published_before
Some misconfigured or poor-quality feeds might always, or suddenly, give
bad responses or non-parsable content, when their URL is visited.
With the configuration setting workers.feed_fetcher.max_allowed_failures
you can define a maximum amount of consecutive allowed failure. Once this
limit is reached, the Feed is automatically disabled (enabled
is set
to false
). The field Feed.LastError
) contains the message of the last encountered error.
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml scrape-twitter
Each job processed by this worker expects a TwitterSource ID argument. The TwitterSource indicates whether tweets should be fetched for a specific user or from search results. The package is used for scraping the remote content.
For each new tweet, it attempts to recognize the language.
If the language is recognized successfully, and it is included in the
setting workers.twitter_scraper.language_filter
, then a new WebResource
record is created, also associated to a new Tweet (table tweets
) and
a new WebArticle (table web_articles
Upon success, it pushes new Faktory jobs, as configured in
It provides the WebArticle ID as job argument.
The sample configuration allows the worker to push a translator job for each new WebArticle, which will be the first data-processing step.
You can let the worker skip Tweets with a publishing date considered
too old, with the setting workers.twitter_scraper.omit_tweets_published_before
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml scrape-web
Each job expects a WebResource ID argument. The job fetches the content from the remote URL associated to the WebResource. The content is then processed with the library GoOse.
Unless the language was already recognized on a previous step (for example,
in case of resources coming from Feed items), the job attempts to recognize
the language from the article's title.
If the language is included in the setting workers.web_scraper.language_filter
then a new WebArticle is created (table web_articles
Upon success, it pushes new Faktory jobs, as configured in
It provides the WebArticle ID as job argument.
The sample configuration allows the worker to push a translator job for each new WebArticle.
As an early duplicate prevention mechanism, the WebArticle is not created, and no jobs are pushed, if the database already contains a WebArticle with an identical title.
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml translate
This worker requires the presence of an additional translator gRPC service, that you can find here: You can also refer to the Docker Compose example, described later on.
The translator endpoint can be configured in
Each job expects a WebArticle ID argument. If the WebArticle's language
is included in workers.translator.language_whitelist
, the article's
title is automatically translated to the specified
target language: workers.translator.target_language
. The result and the
target language are stored in the WebArticle's fields TranslatedTitle
. If the article's language is not whitelisted,
those fields will remain blank (null).
In any case, the job pushes new Faktory jobs, as configured in
It provides the WebArticle ID as job argument.
The sample configuration allows the worker to push a zero-shot-classifier job for each processed WebArticle.
If the WebArticle's title is blank, no translation is performed and no new jobs are pushed.
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml zero-shot-classify
This worker requires the presence of an additional BART-transformer zero-shot classification gRPC service, as provided by the spaGO project. You can learn more from the following documentation: You can also refer to the Docker Compose example, described later on.
The BART server endpoint can be configured in
Before running the worker, you should provide one or more hypotheses. You can add, remove, or change hypotheses definitions at any moment. You can insert them directly into the database, or use the built-in OpenAPI+gRPC service, described later on.
A hypothesis is usually a simple assertive sentence, whose truthfulness will be tested against other texts.
In WhatsNew, hypotheses are stored in the database. Each hypothesis is
identified by a template (model ZeroShotHypothesisTemplate
, table
) and a label (model ZeroShotHypothesisLabel
table zero_shot_hypothesis_labels
). Each template provides a text which is
expected to contain, at least once, the sequence of characters {}
(open curly bracket immediately followed by a closed curly bracket). One or
more labels are associated to one template: each label's text will be
automatically interpolated in place of the parentheses {}
sequence, thus
producing a set of final hypotheses to test.
For example, a template with text This article is about {}.
associated to
the labels politics
and sport
, will produce the two hypotheses
This article is about politics.
and This article is about sport.
Each job expects a WebArticle ID argument. The WebArticle's translated title,
or the original untranslated title if the former is null, is used as target
text for the classification. All hypotheses with templates and labels
marked enabled
, are tested against the target text. The results are stored
as new records of the model ZeroShotClass
(table zero_shot_classes
One zero-shot class result is created for each enabled label of each
enabled template.
Finally, the job pushes new Faktory jobs, as configured in
It provides the WebArticle ID as job argument.
The sample configuration allows the worker to push a text-classifier job for each processed WebArticle.
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml classify-text
This worker requires the presence of an additional text classification
gRPC service. This is expected to be the most customized part of the
system, which is highly tied to the specific problems you want to solve.
At the moment, we don't provide any default implementation. You can write your
own service. All it has to do, from WhatsNew's perspective, is to satisfy
the gRPC/protocol-buffer definition as defined in
. If you are programming in
Go, at the same path you can find pre-generated Go files that you can
just import in your project for implementing a working gRPC server.
If you don't need text-classification, or you don't have a ready-to-use server yet, you can just skip this step.
The classification server endpoint can be configured in
Each job expects a WebArticle ID argument. The WebArticle's translated title,
or the original untranslated title if the former is null, is used as target
text for the classification. The text is sent to the classification service
and the results, if any, are stored in new records of the model
(table text_classes
Finally, the job pushes new Faktory jobs, as configured in
It provides the WebArticle ID as job argument.
The sample configuration allows the worker to push a geo-parser job for each processed WebArticle.
Sometimes you might need to "abort" the processing pipeline for a WebArticle
whose classification provided specific results. In this case, you have to
create your own executable for running the worker. You can re-use many
parts of the existing code, importing WhatsNew as a library, then you can
provide a custom function implementation for the attribute
. This function will be called after
every classification. If it returns false
, no new jobs will be pushed
to Faktory.
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml parse-geo
This worker requires the presence of an additional CLIFF-CLAVIN entity extraction and geo-parsing service. Here is the project's home page: A convenient Docker image is also available: rahulbot/cliff-clavin. You can also refer to the Docker Compose example, described later on.
The CLIFF-CLAVIN server endpoint can be configured in
Each job expects a WebArticle ID argument. The job first chooses between the WebArticle's original untranslated title or its translation (if present), depending on their respective language. If one of them has a language supported by CLIFF-CLAVIN (giving priority to the original title if both languages are supported), then the service is used to extract the code of the recognized country location, if any. If both titles have a non-supported language, the whole step is skipped.
Upon successful country recognition, the country code is stored in the
field of the WebArticle
model (web_articles.country_code
the database).
In any case, the job pushes new Faktory jobs, as configured in
It provides the WebArticle ID as job argument.
The sample configuration allows the worker to push a vectorizer job for each processed WebArticle.
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml vectorize
This worker requires the presence of two additional components: a service for performing text vectorization, and a special storage for the vectors.
You can use a BERT text vectorization gRPC service as provided by the spaGO project. You can find more information about it here: You can also refer to the Docker Compose example, described later on.
The BERT server endpoint can be configured in
An efficient way to store and later search for vectors is hnswlib. Rather than using this library directly, we created an HNSW gRPC service available here: And, of course, there's also a Docker image: specializedgeneralist/hnsw-grpc-server You can also refer to the Docker Compose example, described later on.
The endpoint and the parameters can be configured in the hnsw
It's in the configuration's root level, since this service will be required
also by other units.
Each job expects a WebArticle ID argument. The WebArticle's translated title,
or the original untranslated title if the former is null, is used as target
text for the vectorization. The text is sent to the BERT service to obtain
a floating-point vector. This vector is first normalized and then stored
both in the database (model Vector
, table vectors
) and in an HNSW
Finally, the job pushes new Faktory jobs, as configured in
It provides the WebArticle ID as job argument.
The sample configuration allows the worker to push a duplicate-detector job for each processed WebArticle.
Having each vector stored in the database is important to keep track of the original unaltered value. However, performing search operations over the vectors directly on the database can easily be time-consuming and resource-demanding. On the opposite, HNSW cannot give back the precise value of a vector, while it works very well for blazing-fast similarity searches (performed on later steps).
To better understand how HNSW indices are managed and how the vectors are
kept in sync with the database, please refer to the Go documentation provided
for the Client
type, from the package pkg/hnswclient
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml detect-duplicates
This worker requires the presence of the HNSW gRPC service, already described on the previous step.
Each job expects a WebArticle ID argument. The WebArticle must already have
an associated vector. This vector is the input for performing an HNSW
K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) search. The search can be restricted by web
articles' publishing date. The system searches for similar vector from N
days prior to the WebArticle's PublishDate
up to the date itself, where N
can be configured with the setting workers.duplicate_detector.timeframe_days
To learn more about this process, please refer to the documentation of the
type from package pkg/workers/duplicatedetector
and the Client
type, from package pkg/hnswclient
The job looks for the most similar WebArticle, also called the top hit.
If a top-hit WebArticle is found, it is considered the parent of the
initial WebArticle. This similarity match is stored in a new record of
the model SimilarityInfo
(table similarity_infos
) and new Faktory jobs
are pushed as configured in workers.duplicate_detector.duplicate_web_article_jobs
The sample configuration does not define any job in case of duplicate detection, which will cause the processing pipeline to stop here.
If, instead, no top hit is found, a new SimilarityInfo
record is also created,
just with no indication for a parent WebArticle. Then, new Faktory jobs
are pushed as configured in workers.duplicate_detector.non_duplicate_web_article_jobs
In this case, the sample configuration allows the worker to push an information-extractor job for each WebArticle.
The default implementation relies exclusively on the direct response from
HNSW KNN search to select a top hit. You might need to implement a custom
selection for the top hit, perhaps also accessing data stored on the
database. In this situation, you have to create your own executable for
running the worker. You can re-use many parts of the existing code,
importing WhatsNew as a library, then you can provide a custom function
implementation for the attribute DuplicateDetector.SelectTopHit
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml extract-information
This worker requires the presence of a BERT Question-Answering gRPC service, as provided by the spaGO project. Here you can find more information: You can also refer to the Docker Compose example, described later on.
The BERT server endpoint can be configured in
Before running the worker, you should provide one or more rules.
They correspond to the model InfoExtractionRule
and database table
You can insert them directly into the database, or use the built-in
OpenAPI+gRPC service, described later on.
Each rule is just a natural language question, which will be tested against a target text. A short label can be associated with a rule, just for your convenience, maybe for easier debugging. A threshold (from 0.0 to 1.0) can be set in order to accept only answers with a confidence higher than that value. You can also define a regular expression, in order to further restrict the accepted answers (e.g. specific words, or numbers).
Each job expects a WebArticle ID argument. The WebArticle's translated title,
or the original untranslated title if the former is null, is used as target
text for the question-answering task. Each InfoExtractionRule marked
as enabled
is tested against the target text. In case of an answer
with higher enough confidence and a positive regular expression match,
a new record of the model ExtractedInfo
(table extracted_infos
) is
created (one for each successful rule).
Finally, the job pushes new Faktory jobs, as configured in
It provides the WebArticle ID as job argument.
The sample configuration does not define any new job to push: here the whole processing pipeline reaches its end.
WhatsNew requires some elements to be inserted (and later managed) directly on the database. This is the case for sources (Feeds and Twitter), zero-shot classification hypotheses, and information extraction rules.
You are certainly free to insert and change those records with any tool that suits you best. Among the available choices, WhatsNew comes with a built-in server, which provides a simple API for basic CRUD operations over those entities.
You can provide your desired configuration under the server
setting from
the configuration YAML file, then you can run it with the following command:
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml server
A single endpoint provides two functionally equivalent interfaces: HTTP/OpenAPI and gRPC.
The OpenAPI definition is available from the YAML file
The gRPC/protocol-buffer definition is available in
If you are developing a client in Go, at the same path you can find
pre-generated Go files that you can just import in your project for
implementing a client (see whatsnew.WhatsnewClient
In the default implementation, each worker command is expected to process only a single Faktory job type. This extremely modular design allows the system to be easily distributed. It's especially easy to define resource allocation limits (CPU, memory) for each process, and to scale them on many nodes and clusters, if required.
This is in contrast to a more trivial design, where a single application's instance runs many workers for different job types. In this simpler scenario, all workers might be configured to pull jobs from a single Faktory queue, or more queues with different priority levels.
In WhatsNew, we cannot use a single queue for all jobs. Each worker's process is only able to process a single jobs of a single type. If the worker pulled jobs from a queue also containing jobs of other types, it wouldn't be able to process all of them, causing repeated errors.
That's why the system expects a dedicated queue for each single job type. In this case, the queues have nothing to do with different priorities: they just allow each worker-process to only get the stuff it knows.
You can certainly define more queues with different priorities, but each queue must be still dedicated to just a single job type.
Talking about errors, one of the most sensitive factors in WhatsNew is keeping a good harmony between data stored on the database and the jobs pushed to Faktory, which will operate upon that data.
The documentation for the Go package pkg/jobscheduler
provides a description
of some faulty scenarios and how they are handled in WhatsNew.
Before a job is pushed to Faktory, a related record is created on the database:
model PendingJob
, table pending_jobs
. The same record is removed only
once the client has successfully pushed the job. If something goes wrong and
the job is not correctly scheduled, the record will stay in the database.
We provide a recovery task, which you can run with the command:
whatsnew -config /path/to/your/config.yml recover-jobs
This task looks for pending jobs that were created before a certain leeway
time from now, configured in tasks.jobs_recoverer.leeway_time
. For each
record found, it attempts to push the job to Faktory. Only in case of success,
the pending job record is removed.
The same process is repeated after waiting for the amount of time defined in
In order to better illustrate how all components can fit together, we
provide a set of services definitions for
Docker Compose.
The Compose file is docker-compose/docker-compose.yml
You might find it useful as a boilerplate for running some first experiments, or as a base for more elaborate deployments.
The Compose file defines some third-party services (Faktory, PostgreSQL, spaGO servers...) as well as one service for each WhatsNew task and worker. All together, these services allow the execution of a complete default pipeline.
The sub-path docker-compose/config
contains, unsurprisingly, configuration
files, both for WhatsNew and other services requiring file-based
configurations. This folder is mounted as a volume wherever needed.
Before attempting to run anything, be sure to adapt all configurations and services to your actual needs: what you find here is just for the sake of example.
It's expected that all services exist on the same (Docker) network, so that they can "see" and communicate to each other via DNS resolution (service discovery), where a host name corresponds to a service name. This is the default operating mode for Docker Compose. If you override this functionality in any way, be sure to adapt all configurations accordingly.
The only significant missing piece is a text classifier service. As described earlier, this is a custom service whose implementation depends on your needs. You can easily integrate your own service. If you don't have such a service, you can just skip the text categorization step: please follow the notes (comments) in the given files.
The correct spelling of the project's name is "What's new?". Nevertheless, it is mostly referred to as "WhatsNew", "whats-new", and similar variations.
Don't be fooled: despite appearances, good spelling and grammar are important to us!
There are at least two reasons for preferring the "incorrect" name.
First, when it is used in a sentence, it creates less confusion. It unambiguously refers to this project, and not to a question. Imagine if the title of this README was "What's new?". You would expect it to be followed by a description of the latest developments (and you would still be wondering what's the name of the project and why it was not the first title of this document).
Second, the "correct" name would be painful - if not impossible - to be used in specific programming languages (e.g. for variable or function names). Thus, using the code-friendly variant also in natural language text helps to preserve homogeneity, just a little.