Releases: SpoofIMEI/awacs-scanner
Releases · SpoofIMEI/awacs-scanner
awacs-scanner 2.2.9
awacs-scanner 2.2.8
- Forgot to add a variable :D
awacs-scanner 2.2.7
- Check you can get the ip of the targets
- S3 Bucket discovery
- Dynamic wordlist path for genocide_engine to
- Better error handling
- Small fixes i didn't document except by incrementing the last digit
awacs-scanner 2.0.3
- Fixed
- Fail safe in case the default python dist-packages directory is not /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
awacs-scanner 2.0.2
- Genocide engine was using old wordlist path
- No newline after each "open-port" alert made by scanners.nmap
awacs-scanner 2.0.1
- Fixed
- Program wipes results of the previous scan when scanning multiple targets
awacs-scanner 2.0.0
- added
- Scan modes
- Deb package installer
- Cleaner code
- Genocide_engine