Last update this year, Merry Christmas everyone 🎁🎄🎁
- migration to Spotify version
- hiding ad-like sections (thanks for the idea @Hal47)
- added history for Goofy
- added 21 new themes for the lyrics theme (thanks @IshanJ25)
- added new exp features:
- enabled support for adding a playlist to another playlist
- show lyrics in the right sidebar
- enable a different heart button for Bad Bunny
- enable splitting the device list based on local network
- enable silence trimming in podcasts
- enable the option to Forget Devices
- extended playback speed range for podcasts
- enable a setting to control if followers and following lists are shown on profile
- if an unsupported version of Spotfiy is found, then it is sent to a Google form for further processing (so Spotx will be faster optimized for new versions)
- added Korean, Persian(farsi), Latvian, Serbian, Chinese (Traditional) and Ukrainian translation for installer (Thanks @jinoo2005609, @va1dee, @houshmand-2005, @romefalls, @bzzrak, @asd9176506911298 )
- hiding merch for the right sidebar
- fixed bug with new interface if devtools was activated
- fixed incorrect indentation between buttons in playlists
- fixed code logic for assigning similar installer languages
- fixed the slow loading of the client, it appears randomly
- fixed resizing for right and left sidebars
- fixed a large number of bugs for already existing SpotX features
- Spotify Russian translation correction for latest version
- code refactoring
- also thanks to everyone else who fixed minor errors in the code and translation ( @adrianbiro, @EDM115, @rafaeeelv, @AntoninoScordino, @honigbrai, @wepiotrek)