We use vagrant with virtualbox to create virtual machines and emulate a network
- Simple network topology to try a NAT with iptables
- Slack Nebula with one (1) Lighthouse and many nodes
- Slack Nebula with two (2) Lighthouses
- Some GNU/Linux
- Tested with 4.14.171-1-MANJARO
- VirtualBox
- Tested with Virtualbox (v 6.1.4-2)
- Vagrant
- Tested with Vagrant (v 2.2.7)
- You can 'install' directly the self-contained binary and avoid the struggle of dependency with Ruby
- By 'install' I mean, just adding the binary to your $PATH enviroment variable, i.e. in .bashrc
# We add vagrant binary 2.2.7 export PATH="$HOME/path/to/recently/downloaded/vagrant/bin:$PATH"
- First, we need to generate the base 'box' from vagrant, that would be used as a template for all the other virtual machines. Instructions here.
- You don't need much Disk space, because we use the parameter 'linked_clone'. There would be only one virtual machine used as a template with the actual 'size' of ~2,3 GB), all the other VMs would have only ~5,5 MB.
- Tested with 16 GB of RAM and currently uses 512 MB of RAM per each node with the box 'bento/ubuntu-16.04'.
To check the source code of the Kernel from the Bento box (Ubuntu Xenial)
$ uname -r
$ cat /etc/lsb-release
$ git clone -b Ubuntu-4.4.0-173.203 --depth 1 git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/xenial
- Aalto University
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology